Risk, Reward & Life

We asked some brilliant folks from the community to talk to us about how they think about risk and the role risk has played in their lives and careers.
Risk taking has allowed me to step in to things otherwise would’ve been too scared to do. My risk-taking has been heavily based on conversations with God about my future and what I believe he wants me to be doing next. That’s where my decision making and risk-taking authority comes from. Without that face, I would not have the courage to do what I’ve done. Read more>>
Risk Taking is what I’ve been doing all my life. I come from a small town in Venezuela called Barquisimeto and moved to Caracas, the capital, to go to college for Industrial Design and a few semesters of Graphics. But my love for beauty and fashion brought me to photography, something I started doing as a hobby and became my first career working in fashion. I started taking pictures for designers and beauty pageants for about 3 years, until a got an offer to move to Paris. Read more>>
I’ve always been about taking risks! You only live one life, it’s better to try something and fail, then wonder what could have been. Read more>>
I think life is about taking risks. In my opinion, you cannot grow while being comfortable. If you want a different life, then you have to change and take a risk. Taking a chance on myself lead to financial stability, traveling the world, and happiness while helping others. Read more>>
For me, I’ve gotten to the place where risk are just a natural part of the adventure of being entrepreneurial. It’s almost like the favorite part of a video game that’s really hard but in order to beat the game you have to beat the boss standing in your way. I try to view risk through the lens of “it is what it is” and it helps to minimize the gravity of them, no matter how big or small. Read more>>
Flutter Bridal Co. would not be successful if I did not decide to take risks. The obvious risk is taking the financial hit but I wasn’t prepared for the other risks that I encountered. I risked losing relationships with some of the closest people in my life, my mental health, my physical health, and the possibility of failing. All of these risks were very real and very present in the first few months of starting my business. However, by confronting these risks head-on, one by one, they transformed from overwhelming obstacles to powerful motivators. Read more>>
My whole life has been about risk. I wanted to be a professional singer but was too scared to commit. I did my undergard in pyschology but then spent one day on the job and quit. On a whim, I moved to Portland, Oregon from Maine after I gradated from university. I decided to go to Culinary school. My next risky move was to go backpacking through South America for 3 months. Read more>>
The decision to leave the corporate world in an effort to run my own brand was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve made both personally and professionally. I started my business in a part-time role with the safety of a full-time position to fall back on financially. Taking clients on weekends, or negotiating days off with my superiors during the week. Read more>>