We had the good fortune of connecting with Tiera Gilyard and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tiera, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
The process behind me starting my business was the strong desire to educate adults on trauma and adverse childhood experiences and how it’s imperative that we heal from our childhood traumas, I was born to two amazing parents and had a great home life but I was sexually assaulted by two of my peers in the 7th grade which changed my entire perspective on life. I lost my confidence and my identity and struggled in relationships for the next 25 years. As I found my passion in trauma informed education, I applied for grad school to get my Masters in Education in Trauma Informed Education and it was then at age 35 that I began my TRUE healing process. I was able to begin healing during this time and I found the benefit in how it allowed me to find our who I was without my trauma and with Christ. I believe that everyone should heal from their trauma and know that uprooted the problem at the root has the MOST positive effects on shifting the trajectory of their lives! So, I created a business that focuses on adult education in teaching individuals who to heal from experiences they can’t control.

My life mission is to impact people and help them to Heal Each ACE for life and making the decision no matter the circumstances to HEAL Anyway! Specifically I want to help all adult learners become trauma informed and understand the development of a brain affected by trauma and how that impacts learning and their well-being in their personal lives. I am a life coach who assists people in setting goals for themselves be it creating wellness plans, internal root work and so much more that gears them towards their God given purpose. Adults are also affected by secondary trauma therefore it’s also my goal to help them heal from their own traumas and overcome them so they can pass it on to the next generation through educational professional development for schools, one on one tailor made coaching, and or group sessions with organizations and schools.

What should our readers know about your business?
I started a business to provide professional development for schools and organizations and one on one coaching for adult learners, after receiving my masters in Trauma Informed Education with all of the crisis in schools today and the poverty and home life of our children. My goal is to make a bigger impact on education at a higher level and individual people who struggle with their own past experiences and can’t seem to break free from the pain.

It’s not easy building a business, as I’m still building it but I’m providing online courses to help push the mission forward. I’ve learned that things don’t happen over night and that good things that last a long time takes time to develop. I want people to know that H.E.A.L. Solutions, LLC is the solution to the trauma/ACE (adverse childhood experience) problem and that we are ultimately here to knock trauma out! #TKO

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would take them to Miriam Cocina in Dallas by Klyde Warren Park and sight seeing around the city.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Justina Jenkins is a person I admire for her expertise in the education field but most importantly how she encourages others around her to push the envelope to be a lifelong learner. I’m not sure if she knows but she is a HUGE reason as to why I went back to school to get my Masters in Education, Trauma Informed Education which led me to start my educational consultant business and the success I’ve had thus far. She challenged me to create something out of nothing and I took it on and accomplished that very thing.

Website: https://Www.healsolutionsllc.com

Linkedin: Tiera Gilyard

Facebook: HEAL Solutions

Image Credits
Cori Brock
Elizabeth Miles (not a photographer)

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