Meet Shadae Randolph | Dance Studio Owner & BAD Babe in Business Coach

We had the good fortune of connecting with Shadae Randolph and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Shadae, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
Our Give Back
“We are a family business, twenty years in the making. After the loss of our young sister, Shamora Denae Rogers, we knew we had to come together and build something to honor her. We want to inspire people to stay strong in the midst of tragedy and never, ever give up on their dream.”
Shamora was only 19 yrs old when she lost her battle to epilepsy. We now honor her memory by opening up this studio and continuing to impact the lives of others the community around us.
Shamora passed away June 30, 2019. In her memory the SHAMORA WAS HERE FUND was created.
This foundation helps low income families obtain the resources they need to care for their loved ones battling epilepsy. Support a studio with a give back mission.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
DDA is not your average Studio!!! This is a place to create and dream with a give back mission and family feel. Dynasty Dance Academy is more than DANCE, here Leaders are made.
I am most excited about continuing my journey to lift up women and our youth through dance, creative avenues, and business coaching. I started from the bottom with NOTHING and I can show others how to live authentically and truly love their life.
The road to success was not easy and it was a journey to get to where I am professionally. As a child I new I wanted to be leader and that I love the arts!
While in college I was a manager of an after-school program for Lewisville ISD in Texas. Working for this after school program gave me an epiphany!
I would teach the kids dance for fun in the gym after they completed homework and they loved it. I thought to myself after I graduate, I am going to start my own after school dance program! And I did! I graduated in 2011 from The University of North Texas with a BA in Applied Arts & Sciences. I am an avid Football girl and obsessive fan of the late Kobe Bryant! In sports they use the word Dynasty when talking about the Greats like Emmitt Smith or Kobe Bryant. I thought, that’s it! I want to create my very own Dynasty that I can pass down to my kids and be remembered for. The name of my company is Dynasty Dance Academy (DDA). I started this company in 2012 after having my first child a baby girl, Sienna! After being knocked down by life so many times having Sienna really gave me some sort of inner power that oozed out of me and propelled me to finally stop wasting time and really do what I REALLY want. Start my own business.
The goal of Dynasty Dance Academy is providing an affordable and convenient dance class to the community and elementary schools. I come from a low income family and was not exposed to dance classes or studio training so I wanted to offer classed to the kids that may not get that dance experience because mom or dad are working and can’t drive them to class or maybe they cannot afford it. Dance can be very expensive! This is how DDA was born, we are here to serve and share our passion for dance and we meet our kids where they are at. Dynasty Dance Academy started to take off after I accomplished my first big contract with Lewisville ISD to be their after-school dance provider in 2014. We offer a one-hour dance class once a week at the elementary schools in the fall and spring semester.
Over the years Dynasty Dance Academy has employed and trained dozens of employees, offered dance programs to over 6 recreation centers, 25 public and private schools, and several dance studios in the DFW. We have given our kids ages 5-14 the opportunity to perform in parades, recitals, community festivals, fairs, schools, Dallas Mavs Games, and churches to name a few. Our goal at DDA is to build leadership, teamwork, and expression through dance training and performances. Here at DDA we have age appropriate curriculums, high energy and supportive classes, nurturing and passionate coaches, and performance opportunities. DDA believes in 100% student participation, because every student has a voice. Today we are excited to be opening our first home DDA STUDIO location in Flower Mound, TX. We will be opening May 1, 2021. Our mission at Dynasty Dance Academy this is more than DANCE here, Leaders are made.
The road to opening the studio was NOT easy. I got the key to the property in 2019 and we are just opening in 2021! With a horrible contractor that took our money and didn’t do the job to Covid-19 we are completely starting from scratch.
The biggest mental and spiritual hurdle today is dealing with the death of my 19-yr old sister. She died from epilepsy June 30, 2019. Her death stopped me in my tracks, but I am slowly moving forward. Her name was Shamora and she inspires me every day to shine on. Shamora is beside me every step I take. RIP baby sister.
I was taught never to give up and I will keep pushing because this is my purpose. DDA will continue to serve North Texas!
Some of the biggest lessons I have learned along the way are:
1. Be authentic no matter how hard it is always stay true to your self.
2. Never take NO for an answer
3. Fake it to you make it always be confident even if your sleeping out of your car
4. Create your own table – Stop waiting for others to give you seat at the table and create your own!
5. Family always comes first my mother taught me that!
I want the world to know that Dynasty Dance Academy is not your ordinary STUDIO! Shamora was here and we are on a mission to keep her legacy alive! We are a studio with a give back mission that allows you live and express yourself authentically. This is a safe space for all the dreamers and creators. You don’t have to run anymore, come home!
Dare to Dream at Dynasty Dance Academy
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
If my best friend where here we would start the day at Dynasty Dance Academy in Flower Mound, TX with a BAD BABE Workout! After that we would travel to Dallas Nail Bar and get pampered by my favorite nail tech Lisa. We would enjoy a movie lunch, and wine at IPIC Theaters in Fairview. On the weekend we would do a wine tour in Grapevine, Tx and have brunch at my favorite place Gloria’s Latin Cuisine.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I have read several books, studied the greats, watched all the inspirational movies but if I am honest the people that deserve ALL the credit are my parents. Kimberly Rogers is my mother and Willie Rogers is my father and they taught me how to survive, have confidence in myself, and how to keep my tunnel vision no matter the circumstances or pressure the world or society may put me under. All the credit goes to my parents they came from nothing and raised me to walk in my purpose, treat others with kindness, and never give up. They taught me what true sacrifice is! They taught me how to love myself unconditionally. They taught me that change is an inside out job. Everything starts with self! If you want to change the world start with SELF!
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