We had the good fortune of connecting with Sarah Tolbert and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Sarah, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
Question: Social Impact: How does your business help the community or the world?

To start, I am a Certified Master Life Coach. This is different from a therapist in that, rather than going back in time and working on past pain and trauma, I help people identify what is keeping them stuck in any area of life. Think of it like this, therapy stabilizes an individual’s mental and emotional wellbeing so they can function better in their lives, and ultimately in this world.
Coaching does the same, but focuses more on the here and now with people that are already fairly stable by helping them take charge of their life so they can propel into an empowered state of mind that allows them to reach their goals.

By doing something different, they get different results. Anyone can solve any problem through my coaching, which is my contribution to the community and world. I help people to help themselves to solve their problems. In processing thoughts and emotions that are causing pain and frustration they can solve any problem with clarity and confidence. Our thoughts drive our emotions. Our emotions drive our choices. Our choices give us results in our lives – both positive and negative.

I chose a career in life coaching as a Certified Master Life Coach because I myself have experienced the power of healing and freedom by working through and processing my own thought/belief traumas. I am a completely different person because I am not bothered by the things that used to hold me back. I am not attracting the people that were not good for me anymore. I am more financially stable than ever before. My kids are happy and healthy. My marriage continues to strengthen and mature. I continue to move forward and naturally eliminate toxic relationships and situations that are not for me. All because of coaching.

When you process your thoughts/emotions you can see so clearly and make much better decisions for yourself. Decisions that bring you peace and happiness, and eliminate drama just like I did. Because I was so deeply impacted by my own experience, I knew that coaching is what I had to do. I even finished my degree in counseling psychology (that took me 8 years!) after being coached because I was motivated to make a difference and step outside of myself so that I could give others the gift I was given through coaching (through experience and education).

Which brings me to the answer to the question, “how does your business help the community or the world?” It helps by impacting one person at a time starting exactly where they are today, which impacts a family, which impacts a community. As one person heals and transforms, their family and their friends see a noticeable difference and respond to it (in a positive way). They follow suit, they want peace, health, freedom and joy too. They change their thoughts, patterns and behaviors to what serves them, rather than hurts them. Everyone wins – happier healthier individuals, closer families, united communities, powerful world!

The cool thing is, as a coach I am not limited to just my community, I have clients in other cities, states, and countries!!! I love this and am so passionate about it because when communities change…the WORLD changes!

In my work, my clients discover that pain and circumstances no longer define them, their situation, their offenders and their past experiences no longer have power over them, they are no longer bound to a reality they do not want. They see it as an opportunity to grow, to become empowered, to live life to the fullest…in abundance.

What should our readers know about your business?
My coaching business is different from many in that I have the added benefit of an education and experience in the healing arts. I completed my undergrad studies and internship in a church where I was able to coach and offer pastoral counseling to those suffering in their lives. I also had the privilege of walking couples through pre-martial counseling, which brought me to becoming a registered pre-martial educator for the State of Texas. I currently serve at the real Marriage Boot Camp (as seen on tv) as a director and coach, helping others to heal and grow and restore marriages and relationships. I offer free resources to those who may not have access to or are not able to afford a coach, such as my blog and podcast with a fellow coach.

Each of these steps furthered my experience and allowed me to grow as a coach to be the best coach I can be. I am all about continuing education and I think that is what helped me to become successful quickly. I cherish my clients and have learned how to push them gently, sometimes not so gently if they need an extra nudge 😉 so that they can have crazy results and success.

It was not easy at first, you cannot treat every client the same. Not all clients truly are ready for change. I had to allow space for that and understand that I can’t force someone to be ready for change. But what I can do is, be here ready and waiting for when they are. I overcame these challenges by simply coaching myself, or contacting my coach and mentor. I walk myself through the process I teach and I move forward learning from my experience, changing what I need to change and trying again. I just don’t quit, it’s not an option. I have learned many lessons, but this is the most powerful. I don’t beat myself up for my misses and I celebrate the hits and wins.

I want the world to know that anyone can change their course. They just have to want it, and they have to do the work. They have to be willing to change what they are doing and own that what they are doing is not working. I want them to know that by working with me or another coach they can have that change and they can have it fast. They don’t have to keep suffering. They don’t have to stay lost, stuck, broken.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
This is going to sound so lame, but I love a good Airbnb! I am all about self care and this is one way I do that. The last one I stayed at was in Tool, TX about 35 miles outside of Terrell, TX. It was amazing, a beautiful lake house with a deck, grill, canoeing, just beautiful. So restful and peaceful. For those that like adventure, there are comedy clubs, theaters, soooooooo many restaurants, rock climbing places, gun ranges, motorcycle hang outs. I love it all (which really shows how much I have changed because none of that appealed to me in my 20’s and 30’s!)

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are so many people to thank for their support in my efforts and success, too many to list. They all know who they are…I tell them often. For the sake of space I will list just a few.

My Mom and Dad, first and foremost, they are incredible. No matter what crazy idea I had, or what career I chose (and I chose A LOT over the years), they ALWAYS supported me and cheered me on. They encouraged me to finish my college education, and supported me the 15 times I dropped out. They celebrated my wins and were supportive in my losses.

My husband for sure. He gave me space and supported me through my education. Allowing me time to heal, grow and figure out what it is I was supposed to do with my life.

My children for having patience with me when I was so stressed, so tired, and so frustrated at times. They loved me, supported me, and have always been excited to see me help so many people. They have all become little “helpers” themselves. (Exactly what I meant by changing families, communities – it starts with us parents!).

Website: https://sarahtcoaching.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahtcoaching/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-tolbert-bs-cbt-a6205416b

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahtcoachingpage

Other: https://open.spotify.com/show/0HWqZSUMVWlKFsxIHidtH0

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