We had the good fortune of connecting with Pete Miller and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Pete, can you share a quote or affirmation with us?
I recently saw a post that included “The Golden Rule” as it’s conveyed in various teachings. This ethical directive, if you will, transcends many different faiths, beliefs, and philosophies. My simple interpretation – “treat others as you would want to be treated” speaks to me. In a creative process it’s much easier to be most effective if there is a lack of negative energy. Developing a rapport with clients, in a sincere manner, is critical. I take pride in knowing that many relationships I build with clients over the years, are most of the time, life-long.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Was it easy? I think it may be safe to say that anything done well is never easy. This industry has and will continue to change and evolve, creating more unforeseen challenges along the way. Keeping up with those changes and not having a “well, this is how we’ve always done it” attitude is definitely key. But, just because it’s not easy doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable. Not to sound too trite, but I am a firm believer in the adage that states: you must love what you do and do what you love in order to develop the passion that will sustain the motivation. I also think it’s important to be totally prepared and try hard not to fall short with any step of the process. I deal with artists of all different experience levels. It’s so important to listen intently to what they are ultimately wanting to achieve, and being intuitive to what makes them most comfortable.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
That’s a tough one since Dallas / Fort Worth is such a great area and has so much to offer. We would definitely take in the Music Factory in Irving. There are great restaurants there, which often feature live music. And the complex has an 8,000-seat concert venue, where we could catch a national touring act. Visiting the historic Stockyards in Fort Worth is usually a must for visitors. Also, downtown Dallas offers fine restaurants, some unique history, and hanging out at Klyde Warren Park is always fun. The week would probably include checking out some local breweries, which can now serve customers their signature brews, a bite to eat, and they many times will also feature local artists. You can also get cultured with world-class museums and galleries. Of course, if we decide to get our sports on, there is always the Mavericks, Stars, Rangers or Cowboys.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
As most would say, there are so many people that I have crossed paths with who deserve credit. This list definitely includes my late parents, and my brother as the primary reason I am involved in this business. But, having to narrow it down, I would be remiss in not giving the most credit to my partner in life, my wife. Her continued support and decades-long encouragement are what has sustained me – not to mention her patience. This industry generally doesn’t bode well for long-term relationships. I’m very grateful for her friendship and unconditional love.

Website: petemillermusic.com
Instagram: petemillermusic
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/pete-miller-306a768
Twitter: petemillermusic
Facebook: petemillermusic

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