We had the good fortune of connecting with Misela Hrgota and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Misela, how do you think about risk?
I think taking risks is important and helps with a persons growth, Personally taking risks has helped me get to where I am in life now. For me choosing to take risks has always been important because without doing that I probably wouldn’t have worked with so many great photographers, signed to an agency, or travelled to many cool places. It was taking chances and putting myself out there that helped me do all of those things. Ultimately I think that no matter what field you’re in, whether it be a creative field, working in a corporate office, or owning a business, I think it’s important to take risks and put yourself out there when you know it can be beneficial to you or your business.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I’m currently a Model, Legal Assistant, and part time student. I would have to say the most challenging thing is balancing all three of those titles. When I first began pursuing modeling I was unsure of how to do that while still working full time and going to school, but I’ve made it work for myself and while it can be overwhelming at times, it keeps me striving for more. At first it was difficult because I felt like I had to choose one job or the other, but I’ve been able to make a system that works for me and works for both my agency and my boss while still being able to make the time to continue to take classes as well. I am so proud of the photoshoots I did prior to signing to an agency, as well as the ones I do currently through the agency. I’ve worked with some amazing people and am forever grateful for the experiences. I hope that I can continue to pursue modeling and ultimately do more shoots. I’ve learned a lot from both Modeling and being a full time Legal Assistant, working in two very different fields has been beneficial in me gaining experience with two very different areas. I’ve learned that managing my time and prioritizing my goals is crucial to getting where I want to be.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’m assuming this question is for a pre COVID-19 world, because there are so many neat places in the DFW to go. I live in Fort Worth so of course I’d have to take my friend to see the more historic parts of Fort Worth, maybe start by getting breakfast at Yolk downtown (so good), take a stroll through the city, go see the Water Gardens, and spend the rest of the day in the Stockyards visiting the shops and bars and ending the day by dinner there. Throughout the week of them being here I’d take my friend to check out some of my favorite places in Fort Worth/Dallas – definitely the Perot Museum in Dallas and the Modern and Kimbell in Fort Worth. I’m a huge fan of the Southside Fort Worth area, so definitely check out some places on Magnolia Ave or Main St., I’m loving Maggies R&R for live music or lunch, Nonna Tata for Italian, or Hop Fusion for beers. I’d have to take the friend to the Fort Worth Zoo and feed the giraffes. If we go out I’d take her to Tulanes or the Curfew bar, both of which are nestled off from the crowd. There are so many great places to eat, drink, visit in DFW that it’s hard to put it all into a short response, but we’d definitely do a lot of eating/drinking and visiting the many places in DFW.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would love to use my shoutout to give some recognition to my two close friends, Joseph Rodarte and Michael Reed, who have recently started a Non-Profit organization called Kicks4Kicks, which works directly providing the homeless a brand new pair of shoes. They have been working incredibly hard to get it started and get the name out there. They’ve allowed me to be a part of the organization and being able to see the goals they have and how much they want to do in the future is inspiring, I look forward to seeing how they continue to grow this organization and help those in need.
Website: https://www.kimdawsonagency.com/kimdawson_talent/misela-hrgota/?type=models&cat=women&sub=plus
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miselahrgota/?hl=en
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/misela-hrgota-4b5714177
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=Gcqj1zWCK4FGIsV_HDTmQQ
Other: https://www.instagram.com/kicks4kicks_charity/?hl=en https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/33EHS4X5QRM6?ref_=wl_share
Image Credits
Cornfield photo – Daniel Perez, IG: @picsuretime Silk Dress photo – Samantha Sanguino, IG: @samanthasanguino Electric West online photo – https://www.shopelectricwest.com Electic West photos – Corey Melendez, IG: @theleathercactus Kicks4Kicks photo taken by friend Magazine photo taken by me, photo in magazine taken by – Rachel Patterson, IG: @rlphotos.dtx