We had the good fortune of connecting with Joey Rodriguez and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Joey, where are your from? We’d love to hear about how your background has played a role in who you are today?
Hey everyone! I’m Joey Rodriguez, I am the founder of Firme DFW.

My parents are immigrants from Mexico. Due to lack of resources, my parents didn’t finish high school. Instead, they decided to work full time by the ages of 15. My father, however, will tell you he was selling chicle and shining shoes at the age of five. It brings tears to my eyes to talk about what my parents went through in their adolescent years. They didn’t want that life for me or my brother, so they did what all dreamers do; they moved to El Otro Lado.

My father, mother, brother, and I had to learn how to navigate this new country. Along the way we picked up a new language and a desire to live out the American Dream. All we had was our family and our community to help us feel like we belonged. No one was showcasing Chicano culture in the mainstream, unless it was being depicted as violent and dangerous. I never saw brands or mainstream media that highlighted the beauty of Chicano culture, and it made me feel invisible.

Being the first to finish college came with its own set of challenges. I realized quickly that I didn’t have the same resources or guidance as some of my other peers. I always felt like there was always something missing, that at any moment, they would kick me out of school cause my parents didn’t fill out the right paper work or I missed a deadline for something really important. I knew about three people during undergrad that came from a similar upbringing and had the same experiences as me. Only three. That also made me feel invisible and sometimes insignificant. It made me doubt myself, like maybe I wasn’t supposed to be there. Like maybe it was an accident that I ended up there.

This is why I started Firme DFW. I don’t want first generation kids to feel the way that I did growing up. Firme isn’t only about giving out scholarships to first gen students, it’s also about validating their experiences by highlighting the culture that we hold near and dear to us. It’s about giving them the supports they need to complete college. I want this scholarship program to serve as a reminder to our kids that THEY ARE NOT INVISIBLE.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
In my work, I’m looking to improve outcomes for first generation Latine students. Part of that work includes creating pipelines that give our students a clear pathway from the classroom to a career. Our goal is to eliminate the barriers that stand in the way of our students persisting and completing college. We focus on providing financial, academic, and social resources to our students. So far we have two students in our program and both are in good standing with their universities. Raising funds have been our biggest obstacle but we’ve raise over $20,000 by hosting community events. I’ve learned that the community wants to be given the opportunity to do something good, and Firme DFW has benefited greatly from their efforts!

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would take them out for a brewery tour! Beer is fun but it’s also a good way to check out the city. We’d start at Four Corners Brewing in the Cedars for a few beers to start. From there, I’d take them to Oak Cliff Brewing Company in Oak Cliff. And the last stop would be Deep Ellum Brewing Company where we could have our last beer and go out into Deep Ellum to enjoy the rest of the night!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d love to shout out my parents Saul & Maria Rodriguez for all their sacrifices, and my brother Johnny Rodriguez and Wife, Lila LeCuyer for their continued support! Without them, I would not be able to do the work that I do.

Website: Firmedfw.org

Instagram: firmecollective

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXESX3jyPDk

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutDFW is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.