We had the good fortune of connecting with Irene Avramidis and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Irene, can you tell us the story of how you started your business?
I have been in business since 2000. In the USA I have been in business since October 2017. I arrived in the USA in February 2012. For the first year I did not do anything. Settled down and got my kids adjusting to a new country. From 2013, I started working in the school cafeteria system. In October 2017, I decided to leave the work force and start my own bakery. It took about a while to get all my necessary permits required. My first customer was a coffee shop family owned. I called, made an appointed and took samples of my gluten free baked products. I have not looked back since. It has been a long and journey but worth it. It is something I have built from the ground up. I had 2 gluten free products. After 2.5 years in business I now specialise in gluten free, diabetic friendly and vegan products. My products are very popular and doing very well in the coffee shops. My next step is to get my products online. This was never my hobby but my passion and I still love it.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I am very passionate about what I do. I love creating new products. What makes our products stand out is that apart from being diabetic friendly, gluten free and vegan is that you would never know. We also use good quality products. It has been a very long journey filled with ups, downs and tears but I have gotten through all that, and my business is still growing. They way I get through challenges is that I see them as something that helps me grow. They way to get over challenges is to just keep going. Never give up. Giving up is easy. Golden Crumb Bakery is a brand that stands for specialised quality. Our moto is: Indulge Without Guilt – Golden Crumb Bakery is “your healthy alternative”.

Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
Downtown Fort Worth is the place to take people. Botanical Gardens, Stock Yards. The museums and theater down town are a must. The Stock Yards are a great experience. Dallas has the best restaurants.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
The person who I want to give a big shout out to is my husband. He has supported me and has believed in me throughout my journey. Even when I told him that I was leaving a steady job with a steady income that helps pay the bills, he didn’t hesitate in supporting me. What also motivates me and pushes me is the self development books I read.

Website: https://goldencrumbbakery.com
Facebook: Golden Crumb Bakery

Image Credits
Fotios Avramidis (husband)