We had the good fortune of connecting with Akaira Cryer-Simmons and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Akaira, what are you inspired by?
I am inspired by the women of different ages, backgrounds, and character that I assist on their journey to a healthier lifestyle. Before I continue, I want to express how amazing women are. The battles that we fight silently, the smile that we wear proudly, and the mindset to still nurture through it all is mind-blowing. Although we may face different issues, the strength of a woman is unmatched.
Getting the opportunity to meet many ladies and understand their goals, build relationships, and help them to prioritize one self is beyond inspiring. I consider the women that came before me in my family (mother and grandmother), and how they selflessly and appeared effortlessly cared for our family. I aim to recognize all women and just pour into them, because they are beyond deserving. Teaching women how to incorporate health, wellness, and self-care is the overall goal, so we can continue to refill one another’s cup until it overflows.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
MRS X AKFITNESS is a fitness and self-care brand that offers classes and creates programs to help busy women learn how to better prioritize themselves. Majority of my clients express how they’re unable to tend to their personal needs primarily because of prioritizing family and careers. My goal is to help women develop realistic, healthier regimens that encompass their nutrition, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. I acknowledge that outlook because becoming healthier is not a one-dimensional approach.
I’ve entered my third year of entrepreneurship and the journey is continuously challenging. I started my brand as a part-time venture while working at a local hospital during COVID. With the cases rising and my schedule changing abruptly, it took a toll on my mental health. I was operating part-time as a group fitness instructor and received three confirmations from God to take a leap of faith into building my brand, resigned from the corporate position, and the rest was history. I expanded my services from only group fitness classes to online challenges, personal training, wellness events, and apparel.
I am able to overcome the challenges because I am operating in my God-given gift. I prayed for many years and asked God to use me as a vessel to reach women, and had no idea that it would be through fitness. I knew that my strong suits were being a great listener and giving sound advice, and was amazed to see how he put me to the test. I always reflect on the fact that helping women build themselves holistically is my purpose. Whether I am paid or not, I thoroughly enjoy my career and living out his vision.
I want the world to know that MRS X AKFITNESS is truly a lifestyle. The community that operates within the brand are known as Resetters! My aunt created the title and I fell in love with it. We are identified as Resetters because we are giving ourselves grace on this journey. We establish the mantra that it is okay to start over as many times as YOU see fit to get on track. The goal isn’t to become the best. It is to focus on being better than you were the day before.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Honestly, if I am not out with my husband and kids at a kid themed place, I am inside.lol When I get out in the city, it is mainly because of family/friends’ celebrations. If we are going to hangout, The Daiquiri Shoppe (Grand Prairie, Tx) on Pioneer Parkway is a definite stop. We are going to enjoy some New Orleans styled cuisine and the best daiquiris in the metroplex.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to dedicate a shoutout to my family and MRS X AKFITNESS crew! In order for me to show up FULLY and continue providing a service to women, I must have support. Being a wife, mother, and entrepreneur presents its many challenges daily. Some days I become overwhelmed with managing life and business or feel less productive, yet I am still able to accomplish more than enough because of my support system. When I host events, the ladies that are a part of my organization not only attend, but they assist me with set up, promotion, registration, and more. At the events, my husband handles the apparel while my parents tend to our kids. Behind the scenes, I am working with a videographer and graphic designer to turn my visions into reality. It takes community for one to be successful, and without a doubt, my crew shows up and OUT!
Website: www.mrsxakfitness.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrsxakfitness/?hl=en
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/akaira-cryer-simmons-673816256/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrsxakfitness/
Image Credits
Otis Clayborne APT Training Studio Photography