We’ve been fortunate to connect with so many brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives and we regularly ask them about the most important lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. We’ve shared some highlights below.

T La’Toyia Warren | Entrepreneur, Producer, Professional Dancer & Model

The most important lesson my business/career has taught me is that success is not awared overnight and if you are not ready to be consistent when times are tough then entrepreneurship is not for them. I have had to learn the true definition of fortiude and adapt to the idea that a business is not ran alone. The people around me who love and support me are just as important to the growth of the business as the revue the business produces. Read more>>

Kaela Dorsey | Hairstylist

My most Important lesson that my career has taught me is to set boundaries. If I do not have boundaries set with myself, I tend to burn out.
If I don’t set boundaries with my clients, it can lead to an unhealthy client to stylist relationship. Read more>>

India Fordham | Project Manager and Creative Producer

The most important lesson that my business and career have taught me is to stay focused. Focus requires me to not look to the left or the right, and not worry about what others are or are not doing, and instead focus on my own resilience, determination, consistency, and efforts to achieve my goals. Read more>>