We don’t believe success is random. Over the years we have spoken with hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, researchers, athletes, and more. We’ve learned from them – both through their stories and through the advice they’ve shared with us – and it’s quite evident that success is more likely when certain habits are present. So, we decided to ask folks to share their habits with us, especially those that they feel helped them succeed.
Cathi Nelson | Founder and CEO of The Photo Managers
My core belief is “a rising tide lifts all boats”. This guiding principle has been critical to my success because I started an organization that supports a global profession that is just emerging. My goal has been to always strive for the best outcome, whether it’s for our professional community or the general public who seek our courses and advice. Read more>>
Will Harris | Entrepreneur
The most important factor behind my success was understanding that I was in charge and in control of my own success and had to define and create what that looked like for me personally. Helping people is what made me excited to get out of bed everyday and push forward. That genuine feeling I get in giving my entire heart and devotion to others is where my success comes from. Read more>>
Bryce Eden | Costume and prop fabricator
The most important factor behind our success has definately been leaving a positive impression on people we meet. The gaming and esports industries are very tightly knit and all of our biggest opportunities have come from someone dropping our name when discussing and idea with someone else. We think about this quite a bit and focus heavily on maintaining a positive reputation by providing high quality work and striving to leave a good impression on everyone we meet. Read more>>
Jay Dee | Actor, Stand-Up Comic, & Professional Margarita Drinker
In the early days of my entertainment career Dave Chappelle told me the key was persistence and in a way he was right. I believe you need a cocktail of persistence, authenticity, and drive to create your own path when it seems like there is no way forward. Read more>>