So many of the folks we work with have multidimensional stories. They often aren’t just working on a single project, business or mission – instead they are often involved in so many things all at once and so we often wonder about what they themselves hope their legacy will be about. We’ve shared some of their responses with you below.
J. Rhodes | Award Winning Music Producer, Artist, Author, Professor, Director and creative
At this point in my life, my career is on autopilot. The right connections, people, job and opportunities are finding me due to me being in alignment and the law of attraction. My art will continue to grow, but what I really am worried about is how did I make people feel? Was I kind to the people who supported me? Did I add positive value to the world through my gifts? Will the art that I leave behind inspire the next generation. Read more>>
Susan Jackson | Friends of the Allen Public Library, President
I hope my legacy is all the things I have helped get accomplished as the President of the Friends of the APL. We have greatly increased the amount of money we are able to give to the library for programs for all ages. We sponsor many of the programs that take place in the auditorium from author talks, to music programs and many different types of educational discussions. We also sponsor reading programs for all ages including adults, hands on art programs for all ages and an annual one book program for the community. I am very proud of the work we do that allows so much to happen at our library and there is never a charge to participate. I am honored to have my name associated with such a great group. Read more>>
Kiaya Johnson | Adviser, Program Coordinator & Business Owner
When I was first given the vision of starting a brand, I was attending a leadership seminar in high school. The speaker was discussing the importance of creating something that would live long after you are no longer physically present on Earth. When I reflected on attributes that describe me and the impact I want to leave behind, the word’s positivity, peace and productivity echoed in my brain. One of the most powerful literary devices are acronyms so I created one that could resonate with the masses, KASH MOVEMENT. KASH is an acronym that stands for Killing All Sources of Hate and MOVEMENT represents consistent growth and elevation. Practicing these core values can ultimately “kill” any obstacle in life. I would like to leave the legacy of the importance of self-awareness and self-improvement. When you invest in yourself, walk in your purpose and show up as your authentic self, success, happiness and fulfillment will find you. I want people to remember me as a servant leader, social change advocate and someone full of love and intent. Through my brand I have been able to curate community service events, motivational merchandise, and engaging content on personal, social, and professional development. I create Killa Experiences in hopes of eliminating the hate the world gives and expanding the love we have within ourselves. Read more>>