We had the good fortune of connecting with Bridgette Williams and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Bridgette, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
No Risk. No Reward.
I consider myself a huge risk-taker. One can never reach the highest potential that God has for us by staying in their comfort zone and living in a mundane routine. Now, the risk should be well calculated, prayed over, and allows for an opportunity to take a step forward in life. Taking risks is a viable key that has led me to my current place in life.
My first substantial risk: During my final year at Tuskegee University, I applied for law schools close to the deadline. I was accepted into Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston, TX, but only under the condition that I attend and pass a summer bridge program at the law school. At that time, I had never been to Houston, TX and I didn’t know anyone in the area. However, I knew I wanted to be a lawyer and I knew this was my opportunity. I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect, but I took the leap to move to Houston for the summer bridge program at the law school. I passed the program and was accepted into the incoming class at the law school in 2006.
My Second substantial risk:After working as a prosecutor for almost two years, I quickly realized that I didn’t want to be a career prosecutor. During my second year as a prosecutor, I was laid off from the District Attorney’s Office after the newly elected District Attorney laid off the last hired individuals in the misdemeanor and felony departments. I always say this was God’s way of pushing me closer to the path he laid out for me.
It was at this time, I knew I never wanted someone else to be in control of my livelihood. I wanted to start my practice at that time, but family members highly encouraged me to get another job. At that point in my life, their opinions meant the world to me. So, I followed their advice and got a job at a personal injury law firm. I knew on day one of working at this personal injury law firm that it wasn’t for me. I honestly hated working for someone else and that law firm’s setup. However, I was able to learn so much regarding personal injury and how I could make the process better for my future clients.
I left that firm and started my own law practice three months later. Again, I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect. The feeling was the same as years ago when I moved to Houston for the summer bridge program. I quickly jumped into classes to learn how to run a business, obtained mentors, and worked diligently to build my practice.
Starting my own law firm has been without a doubt the best decision I have ever made in my life. This year of 2023 will make 7 years that BLW Legal Group, PLLC has been in business
What should our readers know about your business?
“Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost.
This above quote by Robert Frost is one I love, one I live my life by, and one I run my business by. To get to a life and law practice I am most proud of, I had to make necessary sacrifices, consistently sharpen my skills, and make an intentional decision to grow a client-first-based law firm.
Putting in hours of work and research, managing a team, ensuring the highest level of customer service is always provided, and giving my best effort to every client are not always easy tasks to balance. Running BLWLEGAL GROUP, PLLC comes with its own obstacles, but I love it. I’m dedicated to it, and I know it is my life’s passion and calling. When I first decided to open my law firm, some family members and friends were not as supportive as I thought they would be. It was not coming from a place of negativity, but more so from a fear of the unknown. They were not familiar with anyone who had their own business, nor someone who only used that business as their primary source of income. After realizing how passionate I was about this goal and my determination to conquer it, they eventually came around and became some of my biggest supporters.
What I learned from that experience is to follow my intuition no matter what. When God placed the desire in my heart to start my law firm, excitement and joy consumed me. I knew I needed to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and that the passion to help others in this way was given to me for a purpose. Now, at this point in my life and in my business, I trust my intuition and the guidance of the Holy Spirit when I make decisions.
My advice for other people who want to have their own law practice, or any business is to do your own research, be mindful of who you receive advice from, don’t be afraid of the unknown, and simply go after your dream. You will never know what your highest potential can be if you don’t try.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I absolutely love Dallas and I am always looking for new places to check out. If my best friend is visiting for a week, I would start the day with coffee at Soiree Coffee in Trinity Groves, then massages at the Joule, and end the day with dinner at the Woolworth. Three of my top places are all within a 10 min radius of each other.
The next day, we would have coffee at White Rhino Coffee, go to the courthouse for some hearings, and then have lunch in uptown and happy hour with friends at Parliament on State and Allen.
I always include trying to include a visit to at least one of the city’s many museums, a jog at Katy Trail, and yoga at Black Swan Yoga with my favorite instructor Alondra Smith. Over the weekend, we would be sure to visit the Dallas Farmer’s Market and find the Cousin’s food truck for a lobster roll.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I want to dedicate my shoutout to some amazing people in my life. Without them, there is no way I would be in the position I am now.
First, I want to dedicate my shoutout to my family; my mother, father, and sister. They each have made countless sacrifices for me to be where I am now, pray with me when I need it most, and are my biggest supporters.
My next dedication is to two amazing Tuskegee professors. The first is Dr. Loretta Burns, who was the head of the English Department when I was an undergraduate student at Tuskegee University. The second professor is Dr. Adaku Ankumah, who is the current department chair of the English Department at Tuskegee University. The advice and encouragement from each of these women gave me the courage and tenacity to apply for law school. Their presence and leadership in my life helped to guide me and encouraged me to believe in myself and my unlimited capabilities.
My final dedication is to Judge Claudine James. She took me in under her wings and became a mentor to me. She wrote letters of recommendation for me to get into law school, checked on my mental health through the process and even graciously allowed me to stay with her in her home as I worked to get my business off the ground. I am forever grateful to her and her impact on my life.
Website: blwlegal.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lawyerbridgette/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AttorneyBridgetteWilliams/