Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.
Estoria Dent | Photographer & Artist
I knew from a young age I experienced the world differently. I couldn’t draw or paint to express my creative side or how i viewed life so I begged my mom for a camera to authentically show case the very streets of NYC. I was exposed and raised in a cultural setting where you can’t explain exactly how you viewed life without creating art whether its (music, writing, poetry, painting etcc.) Read more>>
Enygel Jones | Fashion Designer
I pursued a creative career because I am a free-spirited person. I don’t like being limited or put in a certain box. I like to be free to do what I want. I feel as if, with corporate jobs, you have to work a certain way. Corporate employees’ work has to be completed according to the boss’s standards. Creatives work artistically. When creating a fashion collection, the creativity is endless. You never know where you could draw inspiration from. There is no one way to find a solution to a project. The truth is, all projects are different and require different solutions. Read more>>
Vanessa Jimenez | Social Media Content Creator & Influencer
I didn’t know what I wanted to do after I graduated college. I got a degree in nutrition and before graduating I knew it wasn’t my passion but decided to stick it through and just finish and figure it out later. When I was in college being a social media content creator wasn’t an actual career like it is now. It was more a career for people who were already famous. I knew traveling was my passion and I often thought about different careers that would allow me to travel. Read more>>
Pablo Deza | Producer
That’s very interesting for me, almost all my family has a creative background, it was on my blood, on my education, on my soul. I can’t imagine a life without an artistic or creative view, it’s all I’ve done until now and I am very proud of it. Read more>>
Elijah Rieders | Musician, Artist & Videographer
Since I was a kid, I never saw myself in a cubicle or working a typical 9-to-5 job even before I started pursuing an artistic career. I knew I wanted to do something where I created my own hours and went at my own pace, but I didn’t know exactly what that looked like yet. Once I discovered my talent and love for music creation, I knew I was headed in the right direction. The more I dove into music and everything that surrounded it, the more I felt at home. Read more>>