We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.
Lauren Reed Simoes
I’m pretty ambidextrous. Not only with my coordination, but also with how my brain learns and operates. My artistic endeavors have morphed over time into multiple creative careers built on a foundation of marketing and business…also a big reason why I like being both behind the scenes and in front of the camera. Read more>>
Kennyraccs | Artist and Clothing brand owner
I chose a career as an entrepreneur/ creative because I feel that you can gain more by pouring and investing into yourself rather than investing into a company that will replace you quicker than they hired you. I also like the freedom to be able to just do what I want on my own terms Read more>>
Alex Heinrikson | Hairstylist
To be honest, it was always really important to me that I enjoy what I do. I never wanted to have a job I don’t like, hate going to, or find super stressful; especially if we have to work most of our life! Being a hairstylist I get to be creative, I’m always learning and growing and getting better, and I get to have fun and make other people feel beautiful; and that’s really special. Read more>>
Lalit Deshmukh | Explorer, Photographer & Educator
I have enjoyed my career in Computer Software Development in the past. My decision of moving away from the Software career to a Professional Photographer / Instructor was in fact a most common denominator of the needs of my family and my own. I had recently moved to India [The year 2008 ]. Both I and my wife working in the IT industry made it very difficult to give time to my children and also take care of my mother, who also lived with us then. Read more>>
Kristin Wright | Darkroom Technician and Mixed Media Artist
I tried avoiding a creative career for a long time until eventually it got to a point where I had no choice. Growing up I felt the social pressures to go college and get a “real job” and that’s exactly what I did. I always put my art and creative endeavors on the side and didn’t mind doing them as a hobby. Eventually my small business was not so small and I was faced with a choice: quit my day job and pursue this full time, or close it down. The pandemic really pushed me into the self-employment direction when I was craving more control over my schedule and more fulfilment in my daily work. Read more>>