We asked some of the city’s hidden gems to tell us about what they feel is the most important factor behind their success.
Holly Merlot | Mom, Wife, Pole Studio Owner
I have a belief that if I don’t do it, nobody will do it, I have a lot of ambition and I’m very goal oriented. I come up with some crazy idea, believe me, they’re all crazy, and then figure out how to make it work. Rejection is never something that stops me from getting what I want, so when I’m told no, I just move on to the next, until I reach my goal. Read more>>
Jennifer Noble | Sugar Artist and VP of ICES
Research. Lots and lots of research. When I come up with a new idea, I research all the factors involved so I can create a plan that is fully functional and successful. Read more>>
Eric Giles | Classical Musician & Content Creator
I think one of the most important habits to have is always having a strong vision/goal in mind. It can be hard to go through a process if you do not know exactly what you want out of it. Me being a classical musician and working through academia can be daunting and can seem pointless. Without having clear goals in mind, I would have stopped a long time ago. With that being said, we have to always be adaptable to a constantly changing situation. There are going to be bumps in the road everywhere and you have to find ways to work around situations. Lastly, I have found that not taking myself so seriously 24/7 has helped me so much! You can still hold yourself to high standards and work hard but, people will want to work with you because of your personality. Learn to enjoy the process and be patient; Your big break is coming sooner than you think! Read more>>