We asked some folks we admire to share one piece of conventional advice they disagree with.

Abigail F Frantz | Actress and Entrepreneur

That you should go to college right after high school. I think asking 18 year olds who have never been out in the world to make such a huge financial and life decision is terribly overwhelming and, the truth is, college isn’t the best choice for everyone. There are so many ways to create a successful life for yourself that don’t involve a degree. Read more>>

Ashley Culberson | Certified Homeschool Teacher & Mom

A lot of people in the homeschool world are pretty adamant about not making homeschool like public school, but I have to disagree to an extent. My philosophy for my vision of homeschool is like a “co-schooling” mindset… a little bit of both. Read more>>

Derryl Williams | Negotiator and Entertainment Consultant

I hate the word compromise. I remember when I was getting married 16 years ago and everybody wanted to talk to me about how compromise would help make my relationship last longer. I had a real problem with that word. I have always felt that being forced to compromise was forcing yourself not to be happy. Read more>>

Maia Hollins | Cookie dough manufacturer and Founder

This isn’t necessarily “advice” but I have always disagreed with the phrase “self-made.” No one, no matter how successful or where they started from is self-made. Everyone needed someone at some point in their journey to success, it could have a been a mailman, a janitor, a receptionist or even a child who gave you a brilliant idea. We all needed someone. Read more>>