What drives your success?

Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.
The most important factor behind my success is LOVE. Why LOVE? Because that was the ultimate thing Jesus showed us (not trying to be all “Holy”) but in all honesty its LOVE. When you really put LOVE in what ever it is that you do nobody will ever be able to do what you do. Yes I can give you a recipe to one of my authentic dishes but you’ll just read what I wrote down and forget the major step. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of my brand is authenticity. Authenticity allows me to unconsciously share my gifts, talents, and experiences with others as a tool to assist them along their journey. I’ve learned to embrace my imperfections/life wounds, while understanding the trials and tribulations were intended to mold me into the authentic powerhouse I am today. Read more>>
I’ve learned that success is found when the focus is off of yourself and on serving others. When the opportunity had originally come to start teaching/coaching voice, I had said yes because it was due to someone seeing the passion I have to help others and providing me a safe space to strengthen that gift within the realms of teaching. Read more>>
Faith. I believe in God. I believe in myself and I believe that if I use the talents that I was given and I work hard then God will do the rest. I don’t care about what others are doing. My success is between me and God. It’s personal. I would be lying if I said the process was easy…several times I wanted to quit but He always sends a confirmation through unusual situations to tell me to keep working…keep believing. Read more>>
Loving what I do is the most important factor behind my success. My business wouldn’t have thrived unless I was 100% dedicated to my work. I love being able to make people feel beautiful and special whenever they come in. What I do doesn’t even feel like a job, it is so important that you like what you do. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of my brand is authenticity and consistency. They go hand in hand. Authenticity helps with the quality of the content my brand brings, it defines my brand “I am my brand”. Consistency helps the flow of the brand. It allows my followers, fans and customers to be always be aware of what’s going on with my brand. Read more>>