Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.

Ginny Hudnut | Color + Style Analyst

I am deeply committed to excellent customer service and I think that this has contributed to my success. I’m so passionate about the work that I do with House of Colour Dallas and this stems from the fact that I’ve found a job that does not feel like work! It’s the dream. Don’t they say if you find a job you love you never work a day in your life? I do everything I can to make sure each person feels their absolute best each time they sit in my chair. I want each client to feel comfortable, informed, to laugh and to have the lightbulb moment of, “wow, I look good” when they see themselves in their best colors. Read more>>

Taylor Simon | Brand Strategist, Author, & Speaker

One of the most important factors behind the success of my brand is that the growth of your business is dependent upon the way you see yourself. Your life is a mirror. And what you see externally, whether in life or in business is a reflection of what’s going on internally. It’s important to show up confidently and position the value of your business from that place of confidence. Your level of belief and the success of your business goes hand in hand. Read more>>

Ashlea Longenecker | Realtor & Production Manager

Real Estate is very complex. On surface level, you can view as a transactional business where you assist with buying, selling or leasing a house. However, to be truly successful, you need to connect with your client(s). Each family has their story as to why they are buying and/or selling. Sometimes its a fun and joyous reason. Getting married or expanding their family or a new job are all great reasons for moving. On the flip side there are also reasons that aren’t as joyous. Death in the family or divorce can make selling a home a little more somber. Read more>>

LyriK Hunter | CEO/Co-Owner/House Poet/Artist (The Brown Sugah Lounge)

The Brown Sugah Lounge (Poetry Group) believes in remaining humble at all times, servicing our community as much as we possibly can, expanding awareness around the Dallas poetry scene, being supportive to fellow poets, encouraging healing through artistic expression (s), working together as a strong and solid team of trusted and talented team members, providing a memorable and valuable experience like no other poetry lounge/group in Dallas, excellent and top-tier customer service, creating a family oriented environment yet intimate and comfortable setting that allows all individuals (both experienced and new poets) to freely express with no judgment. Read more>>

Daylon Furlough | Creative Director

Success is the conversation after the work is done. I believe the most important factor is that I treat people as people and not as numbers. I like to tell each company or person I work with that I’m much more interested in the relationship that’s potentially established than how much a project will cost. You get more out of a strong relationship than you do quick money. So when people think about me or my brand, they’ll see the person behind it first … who I am … what I believe in … how I communicate … how I respond etc. And if what they see, what they experience or what they hear from people I’ve worked with is positive, they won’t care about the money. Read more>>