We asked some of the city’s rising stars about why they think they have been so successful and we’ve shared their responses below.

Michael Childs | Theater Director, Producer, Entrepreneur

Put God first Get up early Prioritize your time and schedule everything Be precise Stick to your word Dream big, think realistic Outwork everyone
Hold yourself most accountable Keep strong mentors in your life Be kind Read more>>

Patricia Callahan | Cancer Resource Specialist & Spanish Services Manager at Cancer Support Community North Texas

My willingness to be flexible and welcome creative input from others. I see the support program for Spanish speakers that I have helped grow and shape at Cancer Support Community North Texas as a proud example of a creative solution to meet the needs of an underserved population, and a collaborative and ever- evolving project that prioritizes the needs of our current members. I first took over the program at the beginning of the pandemic – a time that warranted the utmost flexibility and an open mind. It was an unprecedented time for everyone and I wanted to understand what would work for our members. Read more>>

Eyat Kendra | Master Loctician, Educator & Salon Owner

Cultivating will and discipline I believe has helped me to succeed. Read more>>

Simaria Solis | Salon and Creative Space Developer- Stylist, Artist, Entreprenuer

I think the single greatest habit to success is to keep showing up. Day in Day out even when you don’t feel like it or you’re tired. Even when it seems no-one is paying attention you just keeping doing the things you know that drive success. Success doesn’t just come from one action it’s all the little actions when noone is looking. All the habits you do that pull you away from your goals or ultimately push you towards your goals. The Devil is in the details and nothing is too small to overlook. Read more>>