Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.
Nelia Span | Master Braider | Celebrity Braider
Naturally, I’m not the biggest risk taker. That said, I’ve learned it’s essential to growth and development in business. So whenever there is a project or an idea, and there’s a level of risk that makes me nervous, I remind myself that something will come of this that helps me grow. It can be a small thing or a big thing, but something will come of it that I can use to elevate my growth. Read more>>
Nicole Sonkur | Content Creator | Career Consultant | Sneaker Lover | People Hugger
When I think about risk taking, I think about doing whatever is necessary to get what you want in life. I’m a woman of faith and believe that God is always with us; however, we have to do our part to reach our destiny and purpose. We can have all the faith in the world, but if we’re not willing to do the hard things, to take the road less traveled, to lose the friends, to push ourselves…it’s all for nothing. Faith without works is DEAD! The thing about taking risks is that it’s not always a clear road surrounded by roses and people cheering us on. It’s feeling lonely, it’s sitting things out, it’s moving to a new city/state, it’s taking opportunities that might align with your vision, but not with your pocketbook! It’s not easy, it’s a tough road, but if you can make it to the other side, you come out stronger, more polished and even more tenacious! Read more>>
Rachel Clark | Women’s Western Clothing Brand Owner
I believe that business will always come with a level of risk, especially when it comes to e-commerce businesses. However, I do think that the risk needs to be calculated and thought out. I don’t believe that we excel by staying within our comfort zones, and I believe that we need to have a healthy level of fear when it comes to success and reaching our goals. For me, that fear became apparent when I purchased my first industrial embroidery machine and quit my safe 9-5 job to run my brand new business full time. It was scary! However, the support of my community came through and the risk paid off immensely. We have to spend money in order to make money, right? Read more>>