Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.

Tori McManamy | Owner/operator of The Bakery Babe Fort Worth,

I am a person that lives with severe anxiety every single day. For someone like me, it feels as though getting into the car to drive to work is a risk, leaving my daughter at daycare is a risk, etc. And I guess in some ways these are events with a possibility of risk, however small, yet my mind blows them up to the size of the sun. However, the entire foundation of my small business was fortified on risk. My passion began instantly with no indication before hand that I even had a talent for baking. I always said “I’m no good at baking” mostly because I had never tried before. Once I baked my very first confection, banana muffins, my passion spread like a fire. Read more>>

Spencer McElway | Professional Basketball Player and Brand Ambassador

Taking risks is essential to living a more purposeful life in my opinion. When I took the risk of deciding to go to college in another state to chase my dreams of playing basketball, it changed my life forever. The people I’ve met, bonds I’ve built, and memories I’ve made at Paul Quinn are so valuable because of their impact on the man I’ve become today. I built a name for myself and proved myself right when it came down to my goals and what I wanted to do in life. Taking risks has allowed me to find myself and grow comfortable with change. It led me to starting my professional basketball career overseas, and getting to see the world from a different perspective. My mind is so driven now to take more risks because I’ve already proved to myself that anything is possible. Read more>>

Haley Leavitt | Art Curator / Community Development Proxy property

Risk has been a good friend to me. It’s also looked very different through the years. “Risk has been a fascinating and supportive companion throughout my life, taking on various forms as I’ve grown. At 18, it meant leaving Texas for Ohio State University, a major leap in pursuit of my dreams. By 20, I took a considerable risk, leaving college and returning to North Dallas, exploring the realm of music and entertainment, and nurturing my creativity. From 20 to 22, I participated in a leadership program that allowed me to identify some truths in my life while engaging in community service and international outreach. At 23, I found myself questioning the direction of my life – no money, no degree, no clear path. It was a pivotal moment. Read more>>

Anna Bondele | Woman of God, hairstylist, aspiring chef and future lawyer!

My father has a saying that he constantly repeats, and that saying is “You must always be willing to risk in order for you to gain” when I think about risk I don’t think about a loss rather I think about a gain, every success story has pain, has tears and most importantly has lost. I’ve taken many risk as a hairstylist, aspiring chef, future lawyer and Woman of God, sometimes you spend all day coming up with ideas to better your business but the results are nowhere near what you expected. It feels like you did nothing but in reality the results will show as you continue to work. One of the biggest risk I took was to actually be a hairstylist and cook as a personal chef, and let me say it says it’s ups and downs but I love it and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Read more>>