Parenting is an incredibly important responsibility and so we wanted to get a conversation going with input from parents in the community. We asked them: what is the most important thing you’ve done as a parent? We’ve highlighted some of the responses below.

Lanay Renstrom | Photographer and Health Coach

First of all, in my experience being a parent is the best investment of my time and energy. It is the most difficult, daunting at times, dully highest fulfilling, and most life-changing than any other pursuit I’ve engaged in. I mused the other day with my husband that parenthood is really the catalyst for fully developing as a human being. Read more>>

Steve Deere | Owner and Manager of a Freight Brokerage

This is a very interesting question considering this is an interview focusing on entrepreneurship. But I happen to think there are many correlations between being a small business owner and an entrepreneur and being an effective parent. I don’t think I can narrow it down to just one thing. I think there are multiple things that go into effective parenting and raising confident, productive adults, and most of those things can apply to starting and managing a small business as well. Read more>>

Carrie Collins | Owner of Wildcraft Coffee

I have two amazing daughters. My step daughter is 24 and my daughter is 8. Such a range in the differences of what I want to instill in them and continue to work on every day. My youngest daughter has only known me as an entrepreneur. She’s watched my highs and lows with this coffee business. What I love is that she has only embodied the good, and she motivated in these amazing ways to carve her own business 8! My step daughter has been on this journey with me and worked for me for the past 7 years. Read more>>

Yurisa Schultz | Baker

Since I bake and sell at farmers market, my daughter is also inspired to do the same. Every Saturday you can see her sell cupcakes next to me at McKinney FM. The ability to bake and sell has given her confidence, communication and sales skills. Read more>>