We had the good fortune of connecting with Matt Ramirez and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Matt, how do you think about risk?
Risk is and interesting term often used in the creative industry because at first mention, there’s a stroke of fear that’s given off by it. The idea of it initially implies that there is a possibility of loss, and make no mistake… there is. But what is life if not exactly that, the possibility of loss, but just as much, the possibility of success!? I’m well aware that it’s “easier said than done”. But the fact of the matter is, if you don’t take the risk, then you’ll forever be trapped in the cycle of doing the same, and that will get you and your career nowhere fast. Everything I’ve done in my career has been a risk. From leaving my full time job of 11 years, to putting everything I have in my personal life on the line to try to make a name for myself in this industry. It’s all been one huge risk! And everyday, with every move I make, photo I take, edit I work on… I risk it all, day in and day out! There will be losses, sometimes more than there are wins… but please know when the wins do come… it will ALL be worth every risk you took to get there.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
The name of my brand is PDBYM, which stands for Photography Design By Matt. The reason I’ve given it this name is because in my opinion a photograph isn’t just a moment in time captured, or a “pic” someone snapped on a phone. A true photograph is a design! A design created by the person holding that device. From the height they’re holding up that device, to the crop they’ve decided to align it with, to the exposure they’ve decided to give it. All of it is a design, and every image I’ve ever posted, printed, and worked on has been done with this in mind… design. I’m most proud of the work Ive put out that makes the viewer stop and look at the image and think about that moment, that’s what matters to me. If you want to go to a concert after seeing my work, then I’ve succeeded. If the model in the photo has gained your attraction because the lighting and the tones are sparking an emotion in you, then I’ve succeeded. If you want to buy the clothes or the shades in the image because “damn this looks cool” … well you get the rest.

I by no means of the word am “done” with where I want to be. Though I’m extremely grateful and thankful for where I am at the moment in my career… there’s still much work to be done. Was it easy to get here? Hell no! But that’s what those risks are about… asking yourself “If I’m not doing this, then what am I doing!?” and if the answer is nothing else… then chalk it up and keep going! I was able to get to where I am now because the answer has always been this or nothing. So every moment that was difficult, every free shoot, every time security told me I couldn’t bring my camera in, I chalked it up and found a way to turn it around. Because I HAD too. All this to say, along this road I’ve learned to remain humble no matter how good you may think you are. You don’t know EVERYTHING, no matter who you’ve worked with, who you know, who reposted what. You will always be a student of the game, so take your wins and learn how to win again and make them better.

I want the world to know that my work, my images, my “brand” will always be evolving… yesterday it was portraits and beauty, today it might be editorial and glamour, tomorrow concert and music etc etc. I will always strive to be great at the images I myself am a fan of and to have my name spoke about with the legends who’ve come before me!

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I’m so bad at “planning” itineraries. I’m a very let’s get up and go explore kind of person… see where we end up. I love going out to bars/lounges and experiencing cool little hang out spots that I’ve never been too. I love to walk as well, so if you’re someone who gets tired quick and wants to Uber everywhere … you’ll find I probably wont hang out with you the entire day lol! But if I had to name some spots, definitely my favorite bar in The Bronx, Bronx Alehouse and strolling through the LES in Manhattan working my way up to The Meat Packing District to the UWS and hitting up local shops, bars and parks along the way. I’m a city boy, what can I say.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I did it alone! … kidding. I have to shout out my family first for never telling me I was crazy and I should drop the idea of becoming a photographer full time.
Of course I have to thank my loving girlfriend Michelle who without her standing behind me throughout everything and holding me up when all else looked dim, I could not be where I am today. I must also shout out and thank my guys DeLorean and Karl at See Music Live, who trusted in me 100% to lead the creative direction of many projects together but most importantly put me in the way of opportunities to photograph concerts and events of which I would not have known about otherwise… paving the way to not only becoming a better photographer overall, but leading me directly to my career today over at Madison Square Garden!

Lastly I want to thank the universe itself, for every experience I’ve ever had in life and in my career as a photographer… experiences are the ONLY real teachers to me. Make sure you know yours!

Image Credits
– Pusha T – Edlyn & Kadiatou – Kyla Gray – Snoh Alegra – Cardi B & Kulture – Gabby – Bobbi Storm

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutDFW is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.