We had the good fortune of connecting with Maiya Michelle and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Maiya, how do you think about risk?
It is the risk that shows us how much we are willing to sacrifice to achieve growth in life. When I think about risk, I think of how much you have to give up to achieve what you want. You have to give up going out and partying to have the time to work on your craft and achieve something more for yourself. Deciding that art is my career path was a risk in itself. Even though times have changed, there are still people that doubt. At one point in my life, I wanted to do what was best for others and not necessarily for me. Although that made them happy, I always felt like I was doing myself and gifts a disservice. The feeling of wanting to do more. Not wanting to disappoint my loved ones had me torn. If I could tell you one thing about risk, not everyone will agree with your decisions or the path you have for yourself. It’s not their vision, it’s yours just because you can’t get them to see it doesn’t mean you stop going after your desires. Risk promotes growth you have to step out and be uncomfortable to reach a new level in life, so keep climbing.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
My art is a reflection of my constantly evolving creativity. I like to keep my audience thinking and questioning things about this world and themselves. It is my pursuit to make art that not only I am proud of, but that my viewers can get inspiration from. I’ve done my job as long as one person can question or feel something from my work. When I look back at all the experiences, I was able to have, all the times I failed. I know now that without challenges and struggles I would have never truly learned anything. Starting this wasn’t easy, and it still isn’t, but what helped me overcome those challenges was reminding myself that these moments are the steppingstones to where you want to go. The world should know that I stand on being uncomfortable and getting outside the box. You would be surprised how many concepts I’ve done effortless work out of nothing. Remember that you don’t need a lot to get started. Expand your ideas to their limit.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Since I’ve only been here for a few years. it’s so much I still haven’t done in Dallas, and things on my bucket list. I have to say if someone was visiting me, they have to be a foodie because I love trying new restaurants. I’d probably take them to Ida Claire, Red Claw, and Maggianos. When it comes to activity. I love going to the design district just to hang out, and you can’t go wrong with farmers market.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Things could’ve been different if it wasn’t for me getting denied into my major in college. Photography wasn’t something I knew I wanted to do at first if it wasn’t for my failure in pursuing something else. I wouldn’t be here having this interview or pursuing anything to do with photography. As heartbreaking as it was at the time. I’m reminded that everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that I am where I’m supposed to be right now because of that moment. No’s can open a lot of doors for a person. We can be so fixed on the bad things that happen, that we can’t always see the beauty in the experience. I’m grateful for that time in my life and the lessons it taught me.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/anglesbymai?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Twitter: https://twitter.com/maiyamichelle__?s=21&t=ZuS5NCBfG-cLdlXSAN0z4Q

Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCUATPcReDMj2bfle-7lKGqA

Other: TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRYsD7Na/

Image Credits
Models IFY Lunye Fatima Jelani Hopkins Jayson Castleberry X’zandrea Kennie Sydeny Brisa Osornio

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