We had the good fortune of connecting with Maitry Shah and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Maitry, can you talk to us a bit about the social impact of your business?
Charities2Love is a platform to increase volunteerism and encourage giving back to the community by inspiring volunteers, raising awareness of causes, and bringing visibility to nonprofits. What Charities2Love provides is information, inspiration and connection for volunteers and nonprofits.

Information: At www.charities2love.org, nonprofits tell their unique and personal stories via fact filled “Charity Snapshots”. The Snapshots are storytelling platforms where volunteers can learn about different charities, understand their approach to the problem they are solving, and find ways to help the organizations.

Inspiration: We believe that educating our volunteers about the nonprofits they are serving is vital for them to find their purpose and continue to independently support them. This model has proven to be successful, with many individuals continuing to support nonprofits they were introduced to at our volunteer events. We also inspire individuals through our blog articles, which give simple, actionable ideas for ways to fit service to the community into everyday life.

Connection: We not only connect volunteers with nonprofits, but we are also a liaison for nonprofits in the same space so they can mutually benefit each other. Having already done this for multiple organizations in the homelessness and domestic violence spaces, we look forward to continuing to build relationships and alliances for the good of the community.

I am tremendously grateful for the position that Charities2Love has gifted me: to help others find ways to make their impact in the world.

What should our readers know about your business?
I created Charities2Love for one simple reason: to serve and be a force for good in the community. And as an Indian immigrant woman raised in the US, amplifying the voices of other minority and women founded nonprofits is especially important to me. In my roles as an avid volunteer for 25 years and a volunteer coordinator, I witnessed first hand the dualities of individuals searching for meaningful volunteer opportunities while nonprofits struggled for resources. I believe that this disconnect can be bridged by bringing awareness to nonprofits and providing opportunities for volunteers to learn about and connect with them. I realized I am uniquely qualified to bridge this gap due to my experience and passion for both volunteering and the nonprofit sector.

What sets Charities2Love apart is two-fold. First, we provide volunteers depth into a charity that is not found anywhere else, along with service opportunities that are impactful and educational. Second, we give nonprofits in the same realm a chance to connect with each other, all while spreading awareness about their mission.

My dream is to live in a world where volunteers find joy and purpose in their charitable efforts while nonprofits have all of the resources they need to serve society.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Since we initially lived in Fort Worth, we love to take visitors to downtown Fort Worth, the stockyards, and a meal at our favorite vegan diner, Spiral Diner. There also has to be a stop at Torchy’s Tacos, Grapevine Main Street, and to Gaylord Texan since you can visit any time of year, rain or shine. We would have some authentic Indian food in Irving before heading to Downtown Dallas, Reunion Tower, and Klyde Warren Park.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

From an early age, I watched my parents selflessly dedicate an enormous amount of time, resources and energy to help every single family member immigrate from India and settle in America. It instilled in me the understanding that helping others is a part of everyday life, not just when it is convenient or when you are financially secure. It became clear to me that even a little bit of help can go a long way. I am fortunate to have married someone who embodies the same spirit of service as my parents. From the moment I presented the idea of Charities2Love to my husband Urmesh, and my adult children Jaina and Dilan, they have been my biggest champions. With God’s grace and my family behind me, I am confident that supporting and spotlighting charities will bring them the volunteers and resources they need to thrive.

Website: www.charities2love.org

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charities2love/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maitry-shah-5845b6276/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Charities2Love

Image Credits
Jaina Shah

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