We had the good fortune of connecting with Liz Nickson and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Liz, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I was brought into the “work from home” scene long before it was even considered a possibility for most. I was blessed with the opportunity to be home and present with my children back in 2015, which expanded into the opportunity of starting a business to both support growing creatives and service providers, while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle for my family!
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
When I first attended college in 2011, I was Hell-bent on becoming a journalist.
That is until I realized how painstakingly BORING it was to write perfect, grammar-free formatted content. Not only that, but I also hated how writing for the media made me feel.
I was eventually introduced to copywriting (post-college, believe it or not) when I fell in love with the idea that words could be shaped and molded in different ways to connect people together…without the APA format and gross sales tactics.
I wanted to start a business when I was working part-time from home for a company that did Facebook marketing for real estate agents. I loved being able to be home and present with my kids and knew that I wasn’t going to settle for less.
But, I had voices in my ears that told me for years it wasn’t time to start a business, that I needed to go out and find a full-time job. Sometimes, I still wonder where I would be had I trusted myself earlier.
5 years later, in 2020, I launched my online copywriting business, mid-“pandemic”, and had my first local client that week. After writing their website copy, this client saw a 20% increase in sales that year. What’s even more mind-blowing was that they were a wedding cake business during a time when most were not gathering in large groups.
While the client work was rewarding for a time, I struggled with identity issues – I still had that journalistic mindset that I had to show up as someone more fitting of the part. I had to do the deeper work of learning to love myself, own my story and show up as the person I both was and wanted to be.
Today, I help creative brands, coaches and small agencies turn their words up a notch with social media and website copy that strikes a note with the right people so they can get back to doing more of what they love while still building a successful business.
I want other aspiring entrepreneurs to know they don’t have to change who they are to be seen or wanted for their skills. Their personality is a part of their brand story – and that matters.
I also want others to know that the reward looks different for everyone. For me, I want the win-win of supporting growing businesses while growing mine too. The money and everything else is just a plus. Keep your WHY at the forefront of everything that you do and the growth, yes, event the smallest of steps forward, will be worth celebrating.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
As a Florida native, I love a good smorgasbord-kind-of-day!
From some of the yummiest places in the area to eat and drink: Mimi’s on the River, Columbia, Corporate Ladder Brewing, and yes, even Publix…
To our go-to family favs: The Florida Aquarium, The Florida Children’s Museum, Tampa Zoo, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, The Nest at Robinson Preserve
To the ultimate sight-seeing spots: Anna Maria Island, Manatee Viewing Center, Rainbow River, Bonnet Springs Park, Bok Tower Gardens
We’d find ourselves lost in adventure for the day – who knows, we might even see a gator or two!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I have to thank my first-ever business mentor, Jeff, who was assigned to me through SCORE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting aspiring business owners with starting, growing and maintaining a successful business. I never would have take that leap without the knowledge and support I received from someone who has seen it all.
Instagram: instagram.com/signedliznickson
Linkedin: linkedin.com/liznickson27
Facebook: facebook.com/liznickson0525
Other: Website address TBA
Image Credits
Elle Loft Design – Lauren Clark