Meet Leslie Ford | Founder – 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth

We had the good fortune of connecting with Leslie Ford and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Leslie, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I started 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth in 2016 for two reasons – 1. I wanted to create a grassroots vehicle for female-led philanthropic giving in Fort Worth. 2. I was mad because my husband had joined a group (100 Men Who Give a Damn) and I couldn’t join. So I started my own.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I wanted to be part of a women’s philanthropic giving group, but honestly didn’t feel like I had the time or resources to start one. When I asked around and tried to get others to start a group, I couldn’t get anyone to do it, so I had to jump in and start the group myself.
One of the most unique things about the 100 Women model is that all donations given each quarter are funded directly to the nonprofit selected by the group. $100 checks are made payable to the nonprofit, not 100 Women. We operate with the support of friends and local businesses to help pay for operating expenses, so nothing is taken from the donations. If we have 75 women at the meeting, $7500 is going directly to the nonprofit that evening.
One of the most fun and interesting things I have learned in the seven years of doing this, is that you never know who will receive funding. We’ve had multiple small nonprofits that have been operating under the radar take the funding because they gave such an impassioned pitch. It’s incredible to bestow $10,000 on an organization that has an annual operating budget of $30,000. You are changing the game for them and those they serve.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
In Fort Worth, my number one favorite spot is Magnolia Wine Bar. My husband and I jokingly say that if you need to send us mail and don’t have our address, you can send it there and we will get it. A related fun fact is that 100 Women was actually born there. When the bar was under previous ownership (Kent & Co), I had the idea and got support from two of the owners to take the leap. Without that push, 100 Women would likely not exist.
I also love visiting the Amon Carter Museum, grabbing dinner and drinks at Clay Pigeon, spending an evening in the Stockyards, taking classes at Hao’s Grocery, getting ice cream at Melt on Magnolia and grabbing a Brix burger with a bottle of BYOB wine at Brix after Dark.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I owe all of the credit to the women who showed up in 2016 and continue to show up each quarter to support local nonprofits. The tagline of the organization is 100 Women. $100. One huge impact. and that truly speaks to what we do. Alone we are a small drop in the bucket, but together we create a flood of impact and good for the Fort Worth community.
Instagram: 100womenfw
Other: My personal instagram is @leslieford – feel free to include as well.