We had the good fortune of connecting with Katie Chavez and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Katie, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
When I saw women struggling mentally and emotionally after having abortions, I saw the reason why and knew I could help. I had been a life coach giving general coaching services to clients since March of 2017. But after becoming certified with The Life Coach School in January of 2023 I knew I wanted to specialize in a niche that was near and dear to my own heart, as I too had an abortion in my younger years.
Operating my own business is how I believe I can contribute the most good to the world. The sky’s the limit in your own practice. I can help the most people with no bounds. Of course being an entrepreneur is the greatest cost/benefit.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
There is a term we use in business called “the hero’s journey”. My hero’s journey is how I relate to my niche; because we all have a desire to be great in some way but often feel like there are things that stop us from reaching our dreams. If we can only overcome these obstacles we can become the hero or heroine we’ve always known we could be. How does that phrase go? The journey of a lifetime starts with the first step. Or something like that.
I remember just taking so many “first steps”. Picking a name, deciding I’m ready to coach, moving from Minnesota to Texas, investing in coaching myself, investing in certification, believing I could even DO it.
Being willing to continue trying even when it “seems” like nothing is working. That’s probably the biggest thing all entrepreneurs experience.
You have to be bold you know? We can’t go into business looking like everyone else, even though everyone will have an idea of how you should look and sound. You have to be you. And being in the post abortion world, people have a lot of ideas and opinions. Respecting them all is a skill to continue growing in as well as exposing yourself to these thoughts and opinions. Having a bigger picture mindset I think helps to withstand what people have to say and think about what you do and who you help and why.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I have mentors in my younger years to thank for introducing me to the profession of life coaching. I probably would have just discovered life coaching later on but can see that everything in my life had a reason for the time it took place. It all played out exactly as it was supposed to and I wouldn’t want it any other way. There is one particular friend I met at Life Coach school who believed so deeply in the people I could touch through life coaching women post abortion. She saw it before I knew it for myself.
If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know when I would have been open to considering using my story along with life coaching as a testament to what’s possible post-abortion.
Website: https://katiertblifecoachi.wixsite.com/rtblifecoaching
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katie.rtblifecoaching/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ktiechavez/
Other: https://bio.site/Abundantafterabortion https://www.tiktok.com/@katiechavez_rtb https://mailchi.mp/8ea87c7db792/releasing-guilt-shame-and-regret-post-abortion
Image Credits
self ad from Greet University Park magazine