We had the good fortune of connecting with Jimmienell & Jake Newell and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jimmienell & Jake, maybe we can start at the very start – the idea – how did you come up with the idea for your business?
Jimmienell: The idea came up when I started dating my husband Jake. Before meeting him, I had been on every dating app possible, going on multiple dates and trying to put myself out there. In that process, I realized that not many people know how to plan a date well.

When I finally started dating Jake I saw how much effort he put into researching great restaurants and fun activities for us to try. Our dates were amazing because of his planning and all I could think is “people NEED his help”. Now I’m not saying that a poorly planned date is the reason some dates don’t go anywhere, but I can say that a well-planned date surely helps.

Our goal is to help people date well, be more intentional with others, and ultimately make their partner feel valued through a well-planned date. We deal with the details, so others can focus on the person in front of them.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Dates & Dines is currently in the content-sharing and creative phase. We are putting information out there to see if this is something that people are actually interested in. So far, people have really enjoyed it which is fun to see. Our goal is to eventually make it a business where people can subscribe to get awesome dates curated and tailored to what they like and where they live.

Jake and I both work full-time jobs, so it’s not easy to sit down in the afternoons or on the weekends and build out content. Sometimes, we’d rather just not, but we believe in the power of dating well. We got to see how this affected our dating relationship and now we see the wonderful effects it has on our marriage. We want to share that with others and that’s what drives us to continue posting our date plans.

One of the biggest lessons we have learned while creating Dates & Dines is that we have to set boundaries with it. We want to love our dates and share them, but we never want dating to become just a job for us. Dating well is how we fell in love, and it’s how we continue to show each other love. I think this also sets us apart because our dating life comes first, and sharing it comes second. We want to practice what we preach.

We want Dates & Dines and our story to inspire others to date well. We want to help by making the planning part a little easier. We take the details off of your plate so you can spend your time getting to know your date, not planning it.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I love this question because we can actually talk about where we go for our dates! DFW is so big and has so much to offer, these are just a few of our favorite spots.

Where would we eat? RM 12:20 Bistro, Oishii, Rye and Clay Pigeon.

What would we do? Pintoss at BowlGames, drinks at Birdie’s Social Club or mini golf at the Puttery.

Where would we hang out? We love Magnolia Street in Fort Worth and Lower Greenville in Dallas. Both spots offer so many drink and food options and you can just stroll from one place to the next!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
We want to shoutout our families (Hi Morgans, Florendos, and Newells!) for supporting us on social media and giving us new ideas. Dates & Dines can only move forward with their likes and shares and we wouldn’t have even started without our people telling us that it was a good idea!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/datesndines/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086683932769

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutDFW is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.