We had the good fortune of connecting with Emily Winnenberg and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Emily, why did you pursue a creative career?
I graduated from university with an English degree in 2015, and after a number of internships that offered little in the way of compensation or growth, I started my art career at Trader Joe’s. I was responsible for signage, displays, murals, and décor! After 6 years of developing my skills, I decided I wanted to expand the scope of my work and dream bigger. With the support and encouragement of friends and family, I launched my own business in 2021 and began working full-time for myself this year, January 2022.

I’ve chosen this creative career because it combines so many of my favorite things: utilizing my imagination for design, bringing color and life to blank spaces, and working with people to bring their visions to reality. Culturally, there’s been a concerning disregard for the arts in schools, and a greater prioritization of STEM subjects. I think STEM careers help make the world work, but the arts make the world worth living in, and both are so important for the greater good.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’ve grown a career of artistry that circumnavigates the ordinary by showcasing the duality of my interests: floral design and mural painting. The easiest part of the journey was deciding I wanted to own my own business because I have always possessed a flair for independence and individuality. The practicalities and admin of forming a business are where I’ve faced the most challenges. I started this process with little to no information on how to run a business, but thanks to the mentorship of other artists and family friends who have walked this path before me, I felt prepared to take on the unknown. Superbloom Design Co.’s brand is celebratory, each floral arrangement and each mural that is installed is done in a celebration of life and the beauty that we are all so lucky to share with each other. With a paintbrush in one hand and garden shears in the other, I hope to inspire other artists to push the boundaries of what they’re expected to offer in one tidy package as a creative.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I am a proud member of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, so I would insist on beginning the day with a coffee and a stroll around those perfectly maintained grassy lawns. Next, I would insist on a trip to the Farmer’s Market, downtown. I love perusing the greenery in Ruibal’s and sampling all the delicious local produce. For lunch, I’d take us to Rise no.1 off of Lover’s Lane for the best sweet and savory souffles (and fresh-baked French bread) you’ve ever eaten. Since it’s pool season nearly year-round, I’d suggest we go to the Adolphus for the afternoon so we could cool off on the roof with poolside views of the city. For dinner, we’d go to my new favorite restaurant, National Anthem! They have an incredible cocktail menu, immaculate décor, and fresh new takes on American cuisine. For dessert, we’d find ourselves at Fireside Pies at Knox/Henderson, eating the best cheesecake this city has to offer. And for a nightcap, we’d sit on the patio at Truckyard and enjoy some live music while sipping frozen margaritas.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
First and foremost, my family! They have supported, encouraged, and celebrated my decisions to pursue this career and continue to inspire me through every season as a small business owner.

At Trader Joe’s, I made many lifelong friends, but three in particular helped me realize I was capable of small business ownership through their mentorship. Johanne Grinde, Natalie Legaspi, and Denise Oehlerts taught me so much about the visual arts, lettering, and floral design. They were, and continue to be, invaluable resources of knowledge and support.

Lastly, I owe a huge thank you to my friends Meagan Hawley, Ashley Stults, Victoria Zaragoza, and Solomiia Katsalai for their generosity with their photography, marketing, and social media skills. I am so grateful for their friendship and for their encouragement.

Website: superbloomdesign.co

Instagram: superbloomdesign.co

Image Credits
Meagan Hawley, Bethany Michaela

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutDFW is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.