We had the good fortune of connecting with Brittany Rodriguez and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Brittany, how did you come up with the idea for your business?
When I started my business, I had been searching and trying to find “my thing.” I wanted to do something of my own outside of my husband’s business and mom life. I also wanted to do something that would help us pay for private school for our 5 children. I really thought about what I loved to do, and what my gifts were. I knew I wanted to help people- while doing something that I loved and that allowed me to use my creative side. I have always loved to organize and declutter, for myself and for friends and family. I decided to see if anyone would be interested in me helping them with their pantry or closet, and posted in our neighborhood Facebook page. The response was overwhelming, that’s when I knew I was really onto something. So many people are drowning in clutter in their homes, and don’t have the time and/or skills to fix it. That is where I’ve been able to step in and help!

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I have such a heart and passion to help busy moms and women take back their homes and regain control over their clutter. I know as a busy mom of 5 that when our house is out of control, so are we! I have ADHD (my super-power) as well as my husband and 3 of our 5 children, and I recognize this can be a major obstacle to clients trying to maintain their homes. I love to implement systems that are easy for them to upkeep because I understand how hard it is from personal experience!

I am most proud of being a unique, woman-owned business that is able to bring other women along with me and give them a chance to make extra money for their families while doing something they enjoy, and still being able to be the moms and wives they need to be. I’m excited to continue to grow my team as my client base grows!

The organizing, super easy for me. The business side of it, super hard! It has been challenging trying to balance so many aspects of being a business owner. The technical side is the most difficult, thankfully my husband does help some with that as he’s able. But balancing websites, social media, scheduling with organizers and clients, networking, and marketing, it’s all been a learning experience for sure. I’ve overcome the challenges (and still continue to) by asking for help in the areas that aren’t my expertise, and by continuously moving forward. 1 small step forward is better than none. Progress not perfection!

The lessons I’ve learned along the way (aside from the ones above are:
1. Progress not perfection… nobody is perfect and nobody is expecting me to be either, except me!
2. Small steps forward make a big difference.. Just keep moving. That consistency will compound to big results!
3. Be clear and direct. Short sweet and to the point. I’m (as they say) a painter, not a pointer. So this is something I’m consistently working towards!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We would absolutely start with dinner and Tajin margaritas at Union Bear! It’s hands down my favorite restaurant I’d get the gluten-free BBQ chicken and bacon flatbread and we’d get the bacon brussels to share. The outdoor firepit and patio lights are the best. If it’s around Christmas time (my favorite!) We would go ice skating in the Frisco square one evening, go look at the Christmas lights in Deerfield in Plano one night, and go to The Gaylord Texan another night to do snow-tubing and just look around at the entire hotel. When we weren’t out and about, we’d be here at home, my husband would be smoking a brisket on his ceramic grill, and we’d be watching the Dallas Cowboys on the projector outside with the neighbors, or looking at Christmas lights in the golf cart with hot chocolate!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My husband! He has been my biggest supporter, cheerleader, and encourager. He has (and still does) stepped in and taken over some of my responsibilities while still managing his own business, so I can put the work in to grow my business. He listens to me endlessly, game-plans with me, helps with the technical behind-the-scenes things, and is just all around the best person in my life. I couldn’t do this business or this life without him!

Website: www.organizingbybrittany.com

Instagram: @organizing.by.brittany

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/organizing.by.brittany/

Image Credits
Photographer Faith Schwartz Photography DFW

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