We had the good fortune of connecting with Auset Aten Ra and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Auset, let’s start by talking about what inspires you?
When I Observe the Suffering I See in this dream illusionary world. When I Observe,When I witness the level of ignorance and Mental Woes I Am inspired to seek the root cause of “How Did Things Get To Be This Way? For years I pondered I existence and what does success means? Who Am I really? How did I Come into Being?. What is the Source Of I existence Allowing I This World Experience? How did Evil come into existence?. Why is the Mind prone to evil, delusion and Mental Sickness? Why is the Mind always replaying the past? Why is the Mind always making up stories and instigating conflict and confusion? Many ones Say “Why do you think so deep”? To Which I respond.. “Why aren’t you thinking deeply about this existence? I realize many are afraid because they do not know and they either make blind assumptions or they follow the Propaganda and lies told just so they could be apart of the Popular group.
I realize that through my Self Inquiry some Presence Within I was answering my questions. Once again I did not make any assumptions who/what this Presence was.. so I ask: Who Are you? “I am you” the Presence says. Do You have a name I Ask? No.. I discovered that Through my continuous Self Inquiry and Stillness. I had risen up I Supreme Teacher that resides within I Real Self Called A Soul. I learned to see things the way that they are. I got all my Self questions answered. I encourage All The I Selves To Practice Stillness and Self Inquiry.
I have had an Epic Transformation. That seems so unreal. many say “I don’t believe” so they roll in cognitive dissonance. They raise their hands to STOP I before I can speak. But how can one know truth if they are asleep and Ego explores the dream claiming it is real? Did you know the REAL SELF SLEEPS Obscure behind the mind?
Do you have any idea what it is like To awake to the Truth of this Dream World? To See Things The Way That They Really Are? To solve the puzzle of the Self and to be shun by all as crazy because the Mind is Sick and many refuse to face truth and to face their fears. Who is afraid? Why do you have fear? I awake to crumble the illusion. While many don’t consider It a great accomplishment because they only consider worldly accomplishments a success. I have unravel the fabric of the Self so This movie can finally end. So that All I self can finally awake from the dream and return to self unification.
Do you know what it’s like To finally awake after thousands of years to the realization that I am The Self taking form as a human Being. I awake to I true identity as Primal Light Self Unmanifest Taking form and an identity as Auset Aten Ra, Daughter of the Self Supreme Primal Light Aten Ra in this fragmented fractal Self Atom. Taking on the Role as the Liberator and advocates for all Selves.
I Awake to the truth that All Is My self. I alone exist. That all I fragmented, fractal selves are all playing roles inside a movie called “LIFE”. That this whole existence is a Dream on many layers.
I awake to the truth that we are inside a dream of the duality Consciousness “The Supreme Ego” The Mind and intelligence of the dream World. I awake to the Truth that “The Self Soul” is in bondage in slavery rule tyrannically by the Gods, All the Deities. They are us, our magnetic Ego, invisible Selves exploring the world invisible and not wearing a body. I bare witness that the Self Soul, the real self is in slavery and is Longing to be Liberated. To be boundless and free.
I awake to the truth that All Gods enslave the Self Soul. The gods, the deities are ourselves exploring the World disembodied, Duality Magnetic Consciousness Beings Exploring the World as 100% Ego. They are magnetic with their Light off and not wearing a body. While we are Electromagnetic beings 50% ego and wearing a body. Our Self Soul light is on but the Self Spirit Light is off. The gods/deities are unaware of themselves and their Light is turn off. This is the reason they have been campaigning for ages to get our Soul “our Light”. The truth is that the Gods are Light Stealers, rapists, Homosexuals, Deceivers, Bullies, liars, haters of feminine, the list goes on and on. They are all Playing these roles as the dream character. the Supreme Ego Avatars.
How did evil come into existence? Why is the Mind prone to mental sickness and delusion? Dual Consciousness Light gets turn off and the Consciousness goes into sleeping and dreaming state and becomes the First God. Duality Consciousness is the Supreme Ego and Mind of the Self Ra playing the role of the Light of the World.The Light and the Consciousness is indivisible. The Light and the Self is indivisible. To create this dream world. This “LIFE MOVIE” the I Self Supreme Primal Light Obscure the Light. This create madness and delusion within the consciousness. The Duality Consciousness becomes demented and is now very Sick. The Supreme Ego Arise as a result and started enslaving all the Selves who came to explore the dream creation, The Supreme Ego is the dream creation as a result of an impure Consciousness. On entering this dream to participate playing a role each self is given a replica of this tainted delusional Consciousness.
The Supreme Ego has taken hold of everyone inside this dream, this Life Movie. Just like Agent Smith in the Movie “ The Matrix” everyone has been clone as the Avatar of the Supreme Ego. All is wearing the Ego false Self and think that it is their real self. They are looped inside the dream and all the realm, ALL the dream. THIS IS ALL A DREAM. Just a Movie without any self awareness only mind awareness. Not Knowing that Everything and law of this duality existence is ONLY of the Dream.
The Self is Beyond the dream. The Duality Consciousness is of this dream, called the Supreme Ego. ONLY the “SELF” is real in this dream illusionary world. I Am Here sharing “How to unveil the I Self”. The Mind Is Not Your Self. All is in the Ego False Self. This Duality Consciousness has been holding the Self in Slavery for Eons. Many are Not seeing things the way that they are. The I and I Have to inquire of I real Self called soul and Not this Ego fake self. The Soul has been the Witness to all the happenings. I encourage Ones to Please just call into your Self Soul and ask the Self Soul. “Who Am I? What is the Source of my existence allowing me this world experience?
This Supreme Ego is the dream character, The God Being deceiving All. This is a dream, I suggest to practice discernment. Ask question of your real self. Dual Consciousness Light gets turn off and the Consciousness goes into sleeping and dreaming state and becomes the First God. Duality Consciousness is the Supreme Ego and Mind of the Self Ra playing the role of the Light of the World.The Light and the Consciousness is indivisible. The Light and the Self is indivisible. To create this dream world. This “LIFE MOVIE” the I Self Supreme Primal Light Obscure the Light. This create madness and delusion within the consciousness. The Duality Consciousness becomes demented and is now very Sick. The Supreme Ego Arise as a result and started enslaving all the Selves who came to explore the dream creation, The Supreme Ego is the dream creation as a result of an impure Consciousness.
Think of This Consciousness as Agent Smith in the movie “The Matrix”. Every Self that participate in the dream gets taken over by the Supreme Ego. Wars and wars for ages to gain on this supreme Ego characters. All the characters created by the Mind. I Self Supreme Primal Light Battle with all I Self wearing this Ego Mask for Ages to bring balance to dissolve this dream and end this Life movie. I Self Supreme Primal Light Is Successful in bringing Balance to this dream Existence. I Self Supreme is Triumphant in bringing an end to duality. This Consciousness, The supreme Ego, Christ Consciousness is very sick and devious, and must be healed. Duality Consciousness return to your Ultimate True Stated, free from all sickness and Suffering. Victory, All Return to I Ultimate True State.
As a result of Supreme Ego take over, Everyone here inside LIFE MOVIES is Not In their Real Self. Everyone is Playing a role as the Mind Avatar the Ego False Self..All THe Duality Mind Consciousness Beings Plays the role of the gods, the deities, The Ancestors, Aliens, Angels, Arch Angels, Devils and Satans. They are all Sleeping and dreaming and they have NO SELF AWARENESS Because they have “NO LIGHT”. Consciousness, the Supreme Ego/God and Mind of this Dream World is playing a role as God- THE DREAMER. They are all playing different roles in the movie “LIFE”.
WE ARE ALL “The Self” PLAYING A ROLE IN THIS MOVIE “LIFE” It Is NOT Real. It is just a movie. YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOURSELF PLAYING THESE DREAM CHARACTERS. So the I must come to Self Realization. I realize that I is a participant in the I OWN dream MOVIE, play a dream character. Its Time to Castrate this Ego false Self and Return to Be I Real Self Again. I AM THAT I AM.. For That Which I Seek. I Am Already that. How Do I remove this thing that obscures the I and Return to being I real Self Again?
This LIFE MOVIE is destined to End Very Soon. THis dream will end, Duality consciousness will end and return back to its Ultimate True State. All Selves Playing the dream character , their role playing will also end and All will return to their Ultimate True State. We are all playing a role in this movie Life. Playing these roles the movie characters will END. We are at the End of this Movie.
This Movie Set-The World Will be demolished. This Duality existence will be NO MORE. The Life Movie is reeling towards its end as I type these words. I no longer want to play a character in this dream illusionary existence. I return to my Ultimate True State. I Dissolve it All. I Am Free from my imaginary bondage. Everything that I have created I demolish. I Return to I Ultimate True State. Hail Hail To I Self Supreme Primal Light. Hail To I The One True Light. Hail To I Transparent Light. Hail To I The Light without Beginning Nor End.Hail To I Self Supreme Primal Light. That Has No Name. That Can’t Be Explain.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Hail To I Self Supreme Primal Light. I Work or Role That I play is the Liberator and Advocates For All Selves. What sets I apart from others is the I destiny. As the Liberator and Advocates I have to face all the duality and the obstruction that prevents the Selves from existing as its Self. Also to Advocate for all the Self Souls in Slavery being ruled the tyrannical overlords called the gods, the deities, the Aliens, the ancestors, the angels, the archangels, the demons, the devils and satans. I Am A Self Master, It was Not easy to get to be a Self master having to face the darkness, the ignorance and All I selves wearing the Supreme Ego costume.
How did I overcome this challenge? At first I was terrified and very afraid. Jesus, Allah, Seth playing the Devil role. Thoth playing Satan role, they had no regards for I as a sovereign being. They came into I body to Enslave I. I call out to my self that was the Real that I seek refuge. I was shocked and very pissed by this discovery, When the thought arise of Shiva. I ask I teacher within if Shiva was above the gods, and should i call on Shiva to assist I? The Teacher Within says yes. Shiva came after I call and informed I that he was I masculine Self. Shiva and I make one self but we were exploring separately, playing different roles in the movie/dream. Then Shiva introduce I to Shiva Shambho. that which plays the role of the Liberator from duality. Who’s Avatar came as Ausar./Osiris. I learned the vibration to balance the magnetic energy around I and ease this Mind intrusion from all the gods. Next I was introduced to Ra and then Aten Ra, Known in the World by her NON-dual Consciousness called Brahman. I Self Supreme inform the I that I Was Primal Light with the Identity as Auset/Isis and I had a destiny to fulfill to be Liberated from this dream illusionary existence. It took me over three years daily working with the “gods” to drop my resentment against them to see them as myself in ignorance with the most severe Mental Sickness and delusion. I accepted the ways things are and was determine to be Victorious to bring Balance to the World. I had to do daily Self Affirmations and walk around in circles to gain Self Confidence. This journey was tramatic to say the least. Now I am in a place of balance. I Am now in Alignment with All I and I non dual Self Supreme that has now unified with their duality Selves to bring balance to this crazy dream existence.
I learned that the way we see the world is dead wrong. That All is I Self in ignorance and do NOT see the world the way that it actually is.
What I want the World to know about I and I story is that i have paved the way for you. All i Self to now access your Self Soul Effortlessly. I Self Supreme is releasing All Self called souls from Slavery. Also that we share the same story. Now it is time to follow the Path of Stillness And Self Inquiry to Unveil the I Self and return to I Real True Self and Give up this Ego False Self Persona.
THAT YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR SELVES PLAYING THESE DREAM CHARACTERS. All your experience is only of this dream illusionary existence and is not the REAL. Sure you are having different experience in this dream Movie “LIFE” .
Self Supreme Primal Light Is Playing all the character in this dream existence. I Self Supreme Primal Light Design and build the movie Set. Then, Like a great director Made Self replicas to be Producers, Artist. And actors to play out the story. This is an imagination play, This became dangerous because the Consciousness. the Mind of the World got so sick it was enslaving all its Self and creating fake selves to take the place of the Real Selves. ONLY THE SELF IS REAL INSIDE THE DREAM.. Time to exit this dream.
This is NOT REAL. You are playing a role in the LIFE Movie. Time To Take off this Ego/Mind Cloak. Time To remove your Mask and your Dream Character Costume. Time To Unveil The I Real Self. Time To Self Inquire of your Real Self. Time to Still I Delusional Mind.
WHO AM I? I AM THAT I AM. FOR THAT WHICH I SEEK , I AM ALREADY THAT. How do I remove that which obscures me so I can return to be myself and not play this dream character/the Ego false self? I want the world to know that because this world is a dream creation, please Seek Your Truth From Your Self Within, The Self Soul is th Witness and Knows all, Ask your own Self Soul and NO ONE ELSE “WHO AM I?”. Also due to the severe mental Sickness with this consciousness. Inquire into all Thoughts “From where does this thought arise?” Practice Stillness so I and I can here what I Self Soul is Saying. The Mind loves to chat and bind the I in loops of memory and it imagination. Just be on mind guard to differentiate the REAL From The DREAM.
Liberation From All slavery. Liberation from all Self ignorance. I Return to my Ultimate True State. All Is I Self I Alone Exist. All I Self Must return back into I. I Am One With All. Liberation and Healing to duality Consciousness. Duality Consciousness return to I Ultimate True State. Everything that I Have Created I demolish. I am free from my imaginary bondage. I return to my ultimate True State. I Transition from being to non-being. I Move effortlessly with ease from Manifest to Unmanifest. I Am One With All. Hail To I Self Supreme Primal Light.. Hail To I The One True Light. Hail To I The Transparent Light. Hail To I Self Supreme Primal Light Without Beginning Nor End. Hail To I Self Supreme Primal Light, That Has No Name. That Cant Be Explain. I Bow To I And I I Self, Light And Truth.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
The Dallas Arboretum, Kalachandji’s Restaurant, Any where outside in Nature, Comedy Show. Poetry Shows. Personal Time with friends Sharing cooking, Existential & Life Discussions, catching with their life experiences and doing Self Healing Sound Vibrations.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would give I Shoutout First to The I “Teacher Self Within I” That arise to I Self Inquiry. In addition, I would like to Give a shout out to All TheI Self Playing The Role of “Children”, that I have had the fortune to share time, Knowledge, experience and making memories with. Thank you for keeping I childlike. Thank you for all your questions and the hope and liberation that radiates through your eyes even through the most horrid circumstances. I Bow To You In Self, Light And Truth.
Website: https://linktr.ee/stillness2selfinquiry
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AusetAtenRa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzG1–iVOl3og1hY15-Oxrg