We had the good fortune of connecting with Angelica (Anjee) Nelson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Angelica (Anjee), what is the most important factor behind your success?

Always be yourself! Never alter your talent for anyone. If you alter your talent then your brand and who you are becomes watered down.

Always find ways to perfect your craft and better the face value of your business/brand, don’t be afraid to take risk and its ok to receive a “no” or encounter a “closed door”.  Just look at it as a learning lesson.

Figure out what your target client is and don’t back down from what you have set for yourself and your business/brand. Everyone is not for your brand and every person that may inquire about your business may not be a potential client, and it’s ok.

Your business/brand is your baby, handle it with care and pour into your business what you want to come out.
…never look back always look ahead.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?

I do decor for events, plan and coordinate events as well as do interior decoration/design.

When taking on a potential client, consultations are so important to me because it allows me to get to know that individual on a different level. I love taking things away from a consultation and adding a piece of my client to their event or home. Not only does it show I listened to them but also shows that I took out the time to incorporate what they expressed to me and made it personal to them. Who doesn’t like some type of personalization added to an event or to their personal space?!

My clients are not just hiring someone that is “just doing” the services but they have hired someone that wants them to have an experience, walk away with a smile and feeling good about their decision.

There are so many people that do what I do, so I am grateful for every client that has chosen me to make their moments and visions become a reality…allowing Curated to add a memory to their life!

Getting where I am today…

There has definitely been some growing pains that has developed me into the professional/entrepreneur I am today. Having a strong circle and a support system helps, perfecting my craft and always taking something away from the good and bad in every experience. Staying up to date to what is trending and figuring out “the hard” in this industry.

So no it’s not always easy but taking all challenges as learning lessons helps, even after a “meltdown”…LOL.

…never look at someone else’s success and compare it to where you are. Focus on you and keep pushing the plow. Every “no” is not a rejection to your success path, sometimes a “no” could be helping you step into something better than what you could ever imagine.

My story: I had a season where I had to stop doing this because of health challenges, before and after having our son, but during the time of being down it activated something inside of me letting me know this is something that I really desired to do which caused me to re-brand my business and push forward.

Some advice: Always take time to recharge, reset and rest. Never pour from an empty cup, you are no good when you are empty. In all areas in life, not just business.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?

Honestly, it really depends on the friend and what they like or enjoy to determine the direction I would go with for entertainment purposes. But some pretty “hot” or popular spots are:

•”XOXO” in Dallas for individuals that are all about the selfies.

•”Texas Live” in Arlington has nice brunch options and the vibe is relaxing.

•”Social House” Downtown Fort Worth has great brunch and drink options.

•”Jane” is a cute little spot to have great conversation over coffee, cheese and wine and they have a nice menu of options.

…I usually check out what is happening in the metroplex and go from there!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

Oh goodness..My village; I have so many people that has allowed what I am doing now possible…“Living My Life like Its GOLDEN” reality.

• My husband helps with my branding and understanding the late nights and early mornings when having to focus on a project by stepping up and taking the load when it comes to our son. It is not easy having a toddler and trying to do this thing called “momepreneur” but having a spouse that understands definitely helps lighten the load of life and being a business women!

• My friend girl circle; I have some amazing women that I have bonds with that cannot be broken and they are doing some dope things. Being surrounded by strong women that are balancing life challenges and holding down businesses on top of being an encouragement has definitely helped with my push.

• My sister; its just me and her and she is truly my best friend and one of my number one supporters. She gets the good, bad and ugly but never judges me, she accepts me in my pure rawness. She is my backbone!

• My mother has always been a call away and will “come to the rescue” wherever she is needed and her creativeness helps a great deal when I am stomped on what to do next when it comes to events or decorating a space.

• My father; as a women its always good to hear from your daddy “I am proud of you little girl” these words go a long way. The smile that he gives me when this statement is made, is just icing on the cake.

•My family; grandparents, aunts, uncles etc…this is where I come from and the people that pour into me, I wouldn’t be who I am without them.

• My Team; I need them…period! Definitely could not do any of this alone. They are the REAL MVPs!

Instagram: Curatedwe

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