We had the good fortune of connecting with Angela Cote and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Angela, is there a quote or affirmation that’s meaningful to you?
One that stands out is one of our core values at AC Inc: Action = Growth. This phrase empowers our team to take action when we may be uncertain or nervous. When we take action and feel motivated to overcome challenges, we know we will either win or learn!

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
AC Inc is in the very niche business of maximizing the impact of field support in franchise companies. In other words, we help franchise brands understand how to really help franchise owners achieve their goals and coach them for success.

Let’s take a quick step back and clarify what franchising is. Franchising is a business model where a person has a successful business and wants to offer that opportunity to other people. The franchisor enables their franchisees to use the brand and provides them with how to successfully run the business.
My expertise in franchising is from my upbringing with the company my father founded. It is a franchise company that grew to almost 500 franchised locations. A few years ago I knew I wanted to use what I learned over the years to help other people in franchising. The biggest challenge has been figuring out exactly what our clients need.
Also, initially I had a lot of limiting beliefs about how I would find and pay team members. It took some time but by putting myself out there with personal branding, being clear with what I knew needed improvement in franchising, and by being myself, I have been blessed to attract the perfect people who are as passionate as I am and have the right mix of talent to grow AC Inc.

What I want anyone who is reading this to know is that in order to take control of your destiny, it is critical that you get clear on your own personal superpowers and what motivates you. For me that took a lot of conversations with people in my sphere of influence, some business coaching and some serious soul searching. It didn’t happen overnight but it was worth putting in the work because now I am living out my purpose. And you can do it too!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I live in the beautiful city of Victoria, BC on Vancouver Island. Although there are pros and cons to living on an island, I feel blessed to live here and have access to the ocean, city, and stunning weather. Some of my favourite things to do in Victoria include walks along the ocean on Dallas Road, biking on the Galloping Goose trail and hiking at Mystic Beach.

One thing that surprises some people is my newfound love for cold water swimming. I live just a few blocks from the ocean and the temperature of the ocean ranges from about 44 to 54° F. I recently discovered a group of cold water enthusiasts who are committed and get in the water no matter what the weather. There is something very exhilarating about getting in the cold ocean on a blustery winter day, not to mention a feeling of being able to do anything hard that comes my way.

I’m also a city girl! I love walking into our downtown area, called the “Inner Harbour”, having some Italian Pinot Grigio on a patio and people watching. Also fun to find some live music, inside or out.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
This shoutout is 100% dedicated to our amazing team. This team is made up of an incredible group of humans who are committed to our mission at AC Inc. Everyone uses their own unique superpowers combined with passion, dedication and a commitment to learning which enables us to make some pretty awesome impact. I especially owe this shout out to my earliest team members, Robert Bruski and Steven Inglefield, who believed in me and saw the opportunity for us to team up and help people in franchising.

Website: www.angelacote.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelacoteinc/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelacoteinc/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/angelacoteinc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelacoteinc

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@angelacoteinc

Image Credits
Belle White

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