We love ourselves a good quote and so we asked our community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us and we’ve highlighted some below.

Amanda Boylan | Criminal Defense Attorney & Pilates Instructor

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” -Audrey Hepburn. This quote is one that speaks to my soul and resonates with me on both a personal and professional level. I firmly believe that we were not meant to walk this world alone and that, at some point in our lives, we all need a helping hand. Truth be told, I wouldn’t be where I am today without some key people helping me along the way. It only feels right to make sure that I pay it forward when I can. The desire to help others is what kept me in public service for so long. Even though I’m in private practice now, I still find ways to mentor, volunteer, and generally give back when I can. I know the value of a good mentor and a little inspiration. Read more>>

Sudie Abernathy | Musician, producer, creative director

I am happy, healthy, abundant, and successful in all areas of my life, and when I fail, it’s just a lesson. Don’t rush or overthink, everything that is supposed to be in my life is making its way towards me right now. I try to say this every morning. It motivates me to be productive and creative, and it also grounds me to give myself grace when I need a break. I’m a bit of a workaholic, and I struggle with copious amounts of guilt if I am not “productive” and constantly creative. This quarantine has forced me to become best friends with myself, and I have been experiencing incredible amounts of gratitude for the lessons I have been learning and continue to learn. Part of my morning manifestations and affirmations are helping me to become the best person I can be for myself, my friends and family, and the world I live in. Read more>>

Lisa Cardenas | Contemporary Abstract Artisit

Sometimes, instead of naming my artwork on my online posts, I’ll find a quote that expresses something about the work or how I felt while painting it. There is, however, one in particular that I like from Albert Einstein: “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Being immersed in nature, like a forest or on a lake or gazing out to the ocean, I feel a deeper sensitivity, so alive. I notice the smallest details like the sounds of the birds, or water flowing or branches snapping. I notice the way leaves change color with the setting of the sun. As the light changes, so does the view. Nature is an endless canvas. Throughout my life I have found peaceful answers to questions. When my husband of 30 years (Rene Cardenas) passed suddenly, some years ago, during my grieving process, I ended up taking a 5000 mile journey through New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Montana and Wyoming. Read more>>