Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.
Rachel Giles | Full Service Wedding Planner
Ooooh. What a great question. For most of my life I was intimidated by risk taking. Nothing would stop me in my tracks like knowing that I could potentially mess something up, miss out on an opportunity or make the wrong decision. Looking back on my life, I would tell you that I simply wanted to ride the wave of low risk and play it safe. But I actually made things way more difficult than they needed to be because I was preparing myself for worst case scenarios. I always had that gut feeling but I didn’t know what it was, so I didn’t trust it. So instead of moving forward I would just freeze and not make a decision. Read more>>
Tekeilla Darden | Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Author
My philosophy about risk taking is anytime one ventures into the unknown it requires taking a risk and many of our future steps are risks because we don’t know what’s in front of us most times. Just starting my psychotherapy business was me taking a risk because I never learned how to make a business out of therapeutic practice. I learned from this that I’d rather take a risk doing something that aligns with my life goals than let something just happen to me. I’ll know I would have at least tried. This is usually easier said than done. The outcomes within my own career have been evident in the areas where I’ve taken risks versus when I haven’t. Read more>>
Karletha Cook | Author, yoga instructor, CBEC
Risk is necessary because nothing can substitute experience and without risk, we limit our experiences. I took a risk in opening my business and an even bigger risk by writing my book and opening up my wounds to the world.
Its been scary, but it creates an opportunity for others to do the same. Read more>>
Wade Lewis | Growing Entrepreneur & Fitness Life Coach
Risk SHOULD NOT be qualified or quantified without FIRST looking inside yourself. To understand the forecasted outcome of risk, the single most important thing you must do is: QUESTION YOUR MOTIVES! The process of risk-taking is mentally and spiritually strenuous. It requires a massive internal battle inside you between comfortability and adaptability for extended periods of time. Read more>>
Chris Allen | CEO of Advanced Computing & Technology (Restaurant Technology Engineer)
Risk taking is a MUST. The least that can happen is you fail. Failing doesn’t mean it’s over! Failing is an opportunity to learn and grow, which builds resilience. You can be told “no” a thousand times but that ONE YES can change your entire life! Don’t get me wrong, you have to perfect your craft and own it. Find ways to do things differently from everyone else. There are always people out there that can emulate what you do; but find what sets you apart from them. Read more>>
Gloria Sampson | Owner of Gloria’s Little Things
This for me is so hard because sometimes with risks they cost you time and money, neither of which are easy to come by at the beginning stages of a small business. I think taking some risks are good. You never know sometimes what new doors can open for you. I always did my research first and made sure the companies that reached out were legit. There are so many fraudulent businesses out there. You have to be careful. Read more>>