We asked rising stars from the community to open up to us about their end goal. We asked them where they want to be, professionally, by the end of their careers and have shared some of those responses below.

Nadjibu Rusangwa | Realtor & Real estate Investor

Simply the end goal for me? which is behind the drive and success you see today and more to come in the future, and everything else that takes to be an Entrepreneur! The end goal is to own 1000+ apartment units across country in friendly taxes states. That will not only provide for the generation of Rusangwa’s but help Communities and charities my family and company believes in. At the end of my career My real estate business (NRREgroup) closes $10 millions in volume a every month, we got 2 department (Residential and Multifamily) and NRREgroup has 500+ agents/employees. And I bought other companions unrelated to real estate ( I always think about opening up a Men’s suit store or Shoes store) Read more>>

Adriana Cisneros | Art Gallery Founder and Director

In 2016, I founded Art Legacy International. Since the beginning, my main idea has been to promote and support the artworks of emerging artists. Five years later, Art Legacy has become the home of the talented established and emerging artists that make the exhibitions an attraction to people who love art; from art aficionados to sophisticated art investors. I profoundly appreciate the work of artists and the creative process of each artwork; I believe that artists, especially visual artists, are not recognized enough because our society, in general, does not consider the career of an artist as an economic force and an integral part of the economy and social development in our contemporary society. Read more>>

Rachel Wilson | Artist

As an artist, I don’t necessarily see an end to my career as long as I’m living. I love dreaming about the years to come where the goal is to be financially stable and support my family with my career as an artist, and if I’m really enthusiastic I have an assistant who does all of the administration and marketing jobs for me so I can just focus on creating. Read more>>

Adam Isch | Artisan

This is a question I have pondered a bit since I have started this little business. Some part of me wants to have a financial secure retirement but another part of me really never sees retirement or the end as an option. I do not feel approaching a project like this as a means/ends type thing. Starting this business was always, at its core, a way to raise money for the Texas Baptist Home for Children which is run by a friend of mine. So, with that in mind the goal is to be successful enough to continually donate funds to charities that support children in the foster care system. With that in mind I guess I would always be trying to support that cause. Read more>>

Kimesha Daley | Owner/Opperator of KLuvs Boutique

Ultimately, I want K Luvs to be a household name. I’d like it to be a one stop shop for all of your clothing needs, no matter the size. The goal is to expand in such a way that I can hire people to push my vision, merchandisers, buyers, a customer service team and the like. The bigger the brand, the more people I’ll need to keep K Luvs running. That would allow me to hire people from my communities. Give people an opportunity who may not necessarily be accepted in other organizations. Differences are not always accepted. I mean, there has always been a stigma around plus size people. That same stigma can be tied to race, gender, sexual orientation. I want to be able to be a place where people from all backgrounds can find a cool place to work where they are accepted. Read more>>