We had the good fortune of connecting with Mike Lucero and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Mike, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
Initially I wanted to recover a Marshall 412 cabinet. After stripping it down I begin to see some things that I felt could be better. After making a couple of test run cabs, I started noticing there was a demand for 212 cabinets.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’m an advanced guitar player that played the Hollywood scene, Late night rehearsals, long recording sessions etc I wanted to figure out a way that my experience coild help others. No charts or graphs just using your own ears to tell you what sounds good and what doesn’t .
Krunch speaker cabinets are custom made. You can pick your tolex, grill cloth and speaker configuration. The grills are removable, this helps to physically touch and see the speakers. The casters are detachable, rubber feet, carry strap on top, 2 metal side handles and metal corners.
The Krunch Drive Pedal is quiet. Very clean overdrive, not muddy. I didn’t want something that was going to alter your sound but rather enhance it. I teamed up with Brian with Witztronics. After several proto types I found what I was looking for.
The success of Krunch Music Gear is still a work in progress. what has made such a difference is giving the player options. Speakers are such a huge part of the sound chain yet they tend to get overlooked. Also if you go into a music store you can’t pick and choose. There are virtually no options available.
After about a year I was getting a lot of people asking if we made amps to go with the cabinets. I searched for a few builders. After talking with many different guys Jerry Dyer was the only one who was willing to bring what I wanted to hear to life. I had always gotten compliments on my tone so I had to trust that what I wanted to hear was going to go over well with other players.
After looking at what goes into all of this I realized not everyone can afford to buy new gear. But everyone can use a cable and it won’t break the bank. After doing a lot of research I found a supplier that offered the best quality at a reasonable price. Krunch Kables are durable, they’re quiet, don’t tangle up so easy, you can pick your color and we offer our silent ends. When unplugging your instrument there’s a small plunging device that kills the sound and once it’s plugged back in it allows for the sound to travel through.
Some of the things I learned was making all sales go through the website. Everyone wants to know they got it straight from the source. I am more than happy to talk gear but if I have to take in every order it gets time consuming. With the website it puts the funds in the proper account, it gets their address, adds the shipping cost and in many cases takes care of the sales tax.
What I want people to know about Krunch.. As musicians we make a lot of sacrifices to do something that offers very lttle reward. Most players don’t do it for the money, but for their own satisfaction. It’s a passion that drives them. I want people to buy from someone who shares that same passion and puts it into every piece of gear we offer.
It’s time to stop making Rich companies Richer. Buy from American builders and get quality products as well as service.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I recently moved to Tennessee so I’d definitely have to take them to Nashville and check out Kid Rocks Bar. Other spots would be some of the waterfalls and hiking trails. Also go to some of the more local places off of Broadway. Take them to get fried pickles, possibly even a trip to Graceland.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My best friend Curtis Berry, He got me to think bigger. He knows about business and sales so je was a big help. Jerry Dyer is out amp builder. After out 1st year people started asking about a Krunch amp to go with thr speaker cabinets. Jerry was willing to work with me and get me what my ear wanted to hear. My wife Mary Anne, for putting up with the whole thing.
Website: www.krunchkabinets.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/krunch_kabinets_music_gear?igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ==
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/productsfortheworkingmusician?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@krunchkabinetsmusicgear
Image Credits
All pics were taken from friends and family from cell phones.