There is a wealth of research that indicates that certain habits can help increase your productivity, creativity, and/or drive. So, we thought we’d reach out to respected members of our community and ask them what habits they feel helped them succeed.

Chloe Jobin | Artist/Producer

I write daily, which I’ve done for nearly my entire life. Whether it’s journaling, songwriting, or writing poetry, I feel the need to release what’s going on up in my head every day onto paper. Writing helps me clear my thoughts and emotions and, most importantly, helps me deepen my connection with myself. I also try to learn one new thing or one new idea daily, whether that is significant or not. When I am not working on music, I am always trying to dig into new books, podcasts, YouTube videos, articles, interviews, etc., to entertain different insights and gain further information. I think it’s vital to keep learning throughout our lives and keep learning in ways that genuinely intrigue us. Read more>>

Darian Thompson | Photographer and Media Manager

Purpose, Passion, Priority, Peace, and Prosperity are the five P’s I govern my habits around. I make sure I lead my days with making sure my mindset is in the right state. I ask myself everyday what my purpose is for being here on Earth and if I am operating in that purpose. If I am not operating in my purpose I take a look at what is impeding me from doing so and make a plan of action to tackle it. Establishing my purpose will help me execute my daily actions more efficiently because I will be driven by passion. Read more>>

Kevin Hellestad | Podcast Host & Social Media Personality

When it comes to habits that have helped me succeed in starting and growing the Chord Progression Podcast, there have been 3 major habits that have helped me. The first might sound cheesy but it is 100% the truth, and that is always being myself with the podcast. When I reach out to bands, PR firms, or managers requesting interviews, I will always make the request my own and include information about how I found out about the band, what I’ve liked from listening to them, and what I would like to talk with each band about on the podcast. Read more>>

Kris Gardner | Comedian, actor, writer, CEO

Work ethic. I have a saying that I heard when I was playing college football. My coach used to always say “everyday you either get better or you get worse, nobody stays the same” if you stayed the same somebody around you got better so you got worse. I apply that message everyday. I try to get better at something in my craft everyday. In comedy you don’t know what opportunities may present themselves so you have perfect you craft everyday. So when those doors open you have the ability to run through them. Read more>>