We had the good fortune of connecting with Tamara Washington and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Tamara, how has your work-life balance changed over time?
With each business that I create, I have become busier. I work and work and work without taking care of myself. This year, my goal was not only to invest in myself but to also invest in my family. To pour just as much as I do into my businesses into the ones who love me the most. I think entrepreneurs become so engulfed in being successful, making payroll, not letting their customers down…. that they forget to take a breath and enjoy life. Self care is a very important component of becoming a successful business owner. I have learned this and will not trade it for the world.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I am a Black nurse entrepreneur who happens to love great hair! I wanted to do something that I really enjoyed and this happens to be selecting great, high-quality extensions and wigs. As I entered this field, I did a lot of research about the industry. I invested tons of my own money to test and pick out the highest quality extensions. At Sew Icy Boutique, we not only source our products but we trial them, test them, and wear them so that we can tell our consumers what to expect. We take pride in our products and want our consumers to feel comfortable investing in themselves. We want them to have reusable, durable, and versatile styles that they can rely on for any occasion, whether it’s the bedroom or the boardroom, they will be ready to SLAY. As a businesswoman, you learn a lot by trial and error, it’s not easy but it builds tough skin. You must be able to be your own cheerleader or take breaks from the stressors that a business can create. I have learned the importance of self care and access to credit or funding in various aspects. I want the world to know that even a little girl from Oak Cliff, TX can grow up to become a career mogul, investing heavily in herself and in her community. We all can leave our mark on the world, no matter where we come from.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Im a homebody so this is challenging but when I do get to go out, I love places like the State Fair of Texas, Sweet Georgia Brown for food, for drinks and just to hang out I would head to Addison. A place that I think is interesting that I have not yet visited is the Perot museum, can’t wait to go.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to dedicate my shoutout to my Family, the ones that put up with me the most and support me in all my endeavours.
Website: www.sewicyboutique.com
Instagram: @sewicyboutique
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sewicyboutique