We had the good fortune of connecting with Stoney Kidd and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Stoney, how has your background shaped the person you are today?
I am from Dallas, Texas. I grew up in Oak Cliff. Was often back and forth between my grandmother’s and mother’s home. My mom was a 20 year old college student when she had me and it definitely had an impact on y upbringing. I have an old soul but I’m definitely a millennial. 🙂 I am very goal oriented and look to accomplish something new every year. My background was different than most but also the stereotypical African American girl cliché. I just want to make sure that my baby girl has a life that I did not. Essentially, that it’s better… in EVERY way.
What should our readers know about your business?
I am completely ecstatic about the recognition I receive from others. While I think that my business is small, I don’t give myself enough credit. To me, I haven’t done much. There’s so much more to learn and I honestly can’t wait to take all of the classes I have lined up to improve StonedinStyle. Nothing comes easy and I’m very aware of that so I work to accomplish something new for my business baby every week. I just want the world to know that I am a work in progress and so is StonedinStyle. I am just so thankful support that I receive along the way.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
A week looooong?! Whew! I can give a weekend. Friday: I’m an educator so we can start about 6ish after I dismiss students. 🙂 I’d say happy hour at a fav restaurant. Commons Club is a pretty cool vibe. Then I may or may not hit Deep Ellum. There are a few cool spots out that way. Saturday: I am a huge fan of brunch! I’m also of fan of being at home. But a day party is pretty cool. I’ve heard about Crab House. I’d like to try that out. Then UNO MAS of Knox and Henderson is my favorite Mexican food spot, Super fun and great food and service. They close at midnight. Sunday FUNDAY! Brunch at Al Biernat’s. Maybe Bitter End/Pink Lounge for a day party and Dec on Dragon/Townhouse after. Now this is only if I don’t have to teach kids the following morning. LOL.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Honestly, I want to shoutout everyone of my clients who gave me a chance. Who trusted me. Who believed in me more than I believed i myself. StonedinStyle is not only for me, but for them as well. Khari DeShun is my number one motivator. I do EVERYTHING for her. Mommy loves you, princess.
Instagram: @stoned_instyle
Image Credits
Katch Picture Perfect Productions D. Lacy Photography T.Marie Photography AmbraB. Photography