We had the good fortune of connecting with Simon Rangel and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Simon, how do you think about risk?
Always felt like you will never know unless you try. Sure life’s greatest accomplishments all come at an expense. Whether it is your time, money or relationships. Being an artist/creative is a career that most do not follow through with due to the risk factor, but I always felt like you can get anything you want out of life so long as you are willing to do whatever it takes. To get the things out of life I want I have to be 100% okay with the risk and losing people or money and my time.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I currently have released numerous songs & projects that have amassed over 100s of thousands of streams on Spotify. It wasn’t always like the way it is now. I dropped hundreds of songs on the platform sound cloud and almost all of them never was able to rack up 500 or 1000 plays. I always felt like I had what it took, but I never seen results. I didn’t quit then and I’m glad I did not. I have met many other creatives along the way that have challenged me creatively and professionally. They made me want to be better and gave me to motivation to want to perfect my craft, whether it was from a promotional stand point or quality. Once I knew what one person was capable of I challenged myself to be better in areas. I never knew I could improve in. If there is anything I would want the world to know about me and my brand, it is that it is always important to be yourself, the audience loves authenticity and you are more likely to be more passionate about sharing your truth. I will always be who I am regardless of how others may feel about it. It is was is most important, I am glad my audience loves me for me,
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d like to give thanks to my family. Without them and their support I would have never made my first dollar doing music or even had the confidence to let go and do what I wanted. My brother & sisters and mother are a big part of my success. Their support is just endless, with song releases, merch or just letting others know who I am and what I do.
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