We had the good fortune of connecting with Mello Dixon and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Mello, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
For me the most important decision has been switching industries. I chose 5+ years ago to move my career work from fashion into the world of Art. Instead of fashion houses and boutiques I chose to sell in art galleries and exhibits.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
My art is called Greatness Was When…! We take monumental moments in Sports, Music and World History and re-create them in fabric on Garment so it becomes Wearable Art!
It’s been a long grind and a lot of years to get to where I am. In no way is it easy. There are very hard pills to swallow along the way. I have lost people along the way. In more ways than 1. Some have never had the chance to see things happen due to health circumstances that have taken them to the after life . That alone is the motivation to say to myself. It’s no longer about me. It’s bigger! There is a larger purpose that I need to achieve for.
I have learned that nothing is given. Everything is possible with belief but bigger than belief is the overall execution. Without the proper planning and execution of the plan nothing else matters. If you believe in your plan and you have done the due-diligence of preparation you can actually achieve whatever it is you want. The universe is designed for you to win. On the other hand the universe is also designed for you to lose. The choice is actually completely on you.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I have a lot of people responsible for my success and encouragement towards my achievements. First off I would like to thank my wife for everything behind the scenes that does not get glory. To all my mentors that accept my late evening calls and always answer the phone and are willing to give me advice. Also to my loving family, my mother and children who just love me for me. The books that inspire and keep me going are Relentless and Winning, which I use as my personal trainer when I need a little kick in the you know what to mentally stay focused. These books have increased my focus level x10. And overall I have to give myself some credit as well for the late nights and long days and the consistency of the everyday push to keep going.
Website: www.greatnesswaswhen.com
Instagram: Greatnesswaswhen
Linkedin: Kyle Dixon
Twitter: Gr8tnessWasWhen
Youtube: Greatness WasWhen
Image Credits
Photos by Kyle The Photographer Richie Raw Designed by Luca GoldenBear Garage