We had the good fortune of connecting with Margaret White and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Margaret, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
I definitely have a process when it comes to analyzing risks in my life. Generally, it is an idea that I play around in my head for quite some time. I love to run so I spend a lot of those moments praying and thinking when I am debating a risky idea. Once I finally come to peace in my own head, I like to get it out in the universe. I believe that once we speak something out loud, it takes on a life. My first go to is my husband, he is my confidant and I love his brain for business. Next, I like to take it to a couple of close girlfriends in separate conversations. It’s not always the same group of friends; It generally depends on the subject matter: some I look to for business, some parenting, some wellness, and the list goes on. Once I have everyone’s thoughts on the matter, I like to take it back into my head for a few days for more thinking and praying. Then it’s time to act! It may not be the exact risk/idea I originated with, but I find this process helps work out a lot of kinks before it gets into action.
This spring, my daughter had a butterfly farm. It was fascinating to watch the process of the larva developing into the butterflies which eventually flew away. It reminded me a lot of the risk process I use in my life. The caterpillars, just like a risky idea, needed to go into a tight private chrysalis so that they could develop into something beautiful. And even once the butterflies developed, they still needed time in the small cage together. Once we did let them loose, they slowly went from branch to branch on a tree close by and stayed there for many hours. It was a beautiful reminder that when I am developing something big and risky, it is a process that has essential steps along the way, and each are very necessary in creating something grand.
I have personally learned that with each risk I take in life, despite the outcome, there will be personal growth and learning which is always beneficial. Buying, moving, and growing Polliwogs Children’s Boutique all within the first six months was incredibly risky. However, it has proven to be very rewarding and one of the best decisions of my life. I love our customers and everyone I work with truly feels like family. That was a risk that I continue to benefit and grow from, and I am very grateful. I believe the more risks you take in life, the less scary they become because you are constantly reminded of the benefits and growth from the previous risks. It is a cycle of growth which is advantageous in any segment of life.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Polliwogs Children’s Boutique has been in Greensboro, NC since 2005. I am actually the third owner of Polliwogs. I am still in contact with the two previous owners who are a wealth of information. I purchased Polliwogs in 2018 with a goal to expand brands and sizes and to grow the website. Additionally, we moved locations to a much larger retail space in January, 2019. Although this was a lot to accomplish in the first year of owning (and learning) the business, I am thrilled of the final product and brand that Polliwogs is today. My goal continues to be providing our customers with an exceptional shopping experience for their family.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My husband, children and Polliwog’s manager, Toni Picarelli.
Website: www.polliwogs.com
Instagram: polliwogsonline
Facebook: @PolliwogsBoutique
Image Credits
Liz Grogan