We had the good fortune of connecting with Lambretta Woolfolk and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lambretta, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
Pure Comfort Spa Clinique LLC helps its community with health and wellness by providing a Spa foot care service……feet are your foundation and assist you in your everyday life. Your feet promotes running, walking, standing and it bears one’s weight. Our goal is to improve the feet with a Safe, Hygienic and None invasive PediCARE service for people who are affected by problem feet or just in need of plane ole TLC in a stress free environment.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Pure Comfort Spa Clinique LLC is believed to be a health and wellness Spa. We offer many services but our most popular is the pediCARE service. Our focus is Relaxation ~ Education ~ Prevention (R.E.P.) and we aim to “Heal~Thy” soles…….one foot at a time. Our business addresses issues such as: athlete’s foot, corns, calluses, ingrown, foot odor, dry skin (Footlogix – mouse formula product). We provide a thorough lower limb and foot massage for comfort and circulation. However, clients with medical issues may be prohibited from the. massage unless a doctor’s clearance is received. We adhere to the highest level of cleanliness and sanitation while serving each client with excellence and absolute integrity. Pure Comfort Spa Clinique was established in 1998, originating in Denver, Colorado. Lambretta obtained her license in 1986 and is licensed in Colorado, Georgia and Texas. Lastly, what sets PCSCLLC aside from other businesses would be proper training, advanced training and continued training……constantly! Know and believe in the products that you sell. Years of experience, talent, a clean facility, clean implements, time and work and the love of the service performed. Stay close to your connection (learning) have a mentor and mentor someone. #SeeTheFootLady

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
There are a few spots that are pretty nice. Downtown Grapevine has plenty of things such as shopping, restaurants, paint with a twist, train ride and much more. Southlake Town Square, Arlington for sports and Joe Pool Lake (sunset cruise) and a good concert.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
First and foremost, my Lord and Savior for the talent and mindset. Moreover, for trusting me with a ministry that is so much bigger then I could ever be. Humbled ~Grateful ~ Blessed. My family and close friends…..you know who you are. Terri Christensen (Colorado) for believing in my abilities and seeing my big picture. In addition, thank you for my logo design and mentorship. Rhonda Duchin and Patricia Daiker for your support and positive business exposure. North American School of Podology (NASP) for challenging my mind and being a huge influence with help to distinguishing, elevating, and differentiating Pedicurist who have gone beyond basic pedicure education and advanced training.

Website: http://www.purecomfortspa.com
Instagram: Instagram.com/seethefootlady
Linkedin: LinkedIn.com/in/Lambretta-Woolfolk-CMP-c-pod-342626
Twitter: Twitter.com/PureComfortSpa
Facebook: FaceBook.com/PurecomfortSpa
Youtube: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjfpdjaw-nsAhVNEawKHbDgCPkQFjAAegQIBhAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DO_BGU3EULcw&usg=AOvVaw22nR2CbeGQB3XlYdSueqcu
Other: Google – http://g.page/purecomfortspa

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutDFW is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.