Meet Joshua ajoshd” Alvarez | Musician & Entrepreneur”

We had the good fortune of connecting with Joshua “ajoshd” Alvarez and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Joshua “ajoshd”, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I’ve always found the most joy in using my imagination and being creative. I love improvising, planning, directing, and everything else involved in the overall production of an idea, whatever medium that may be. I wanted to input new creativity into the spaces of fashion, music, videos, and entertainment in general, each avenue allowing entrepreneurs to monetize and prosper financially if properly developed and executed. Essentially, everything I love doing became commercially viable once I understood the basics of marketing.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My music is much different from what you might expect. I self-produce/co-produce all of my own music. I love writing chords, melodies, and progressions as well as creating or finding new drum patterns and rhythms to add. My lyrics are provocative and touch on many topics that one might not hear from their usual music, as I speak on deeper issues that some people may not be comfortable dealing with. Just like in real life, I’d rather be honest with you than sugarcoat anything.
Getting to where I am today took a lot of confidence. More important than anything is confidence. I have collaborated with some of the biggest names I listened to growing up, and ALL of them happened because I just asked. Don’t be afraid of “no”, because that is the worst case scenario. Who cares. Ask. Being told no is halfway to being told yes, and few things are a better motivator anyways.
Overcoming the challenges in music is really going through the dog days of it, when nobody cares at the time, your hype died down, you didn’t capitalize on buzz, a show goes completely wrong; those are the times that make you realize if you are built for this or not. You have to love the process of everything, not the end result. You don’t love something if you don’t enjoy the process of doing it right. Something must be wrong.
I want the world to know that ajoshd and The Hodge Council are some of the most dynamic new creative brands out. World creation, modernity, futurism, and progression. Join us at
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
When I am in DFW for tour, I always hit Poor David’s Pub to just kick it. I will be there Saturday, May 6th 2023 so if you’re reading this, come turn up with me then! After we get done with the show, my friends always drag me to Bottled Blonde so they can turn up to the DJ, Concrete Cowboy to do whatever happens there, and Deep Ellum for general activities. We usually bar hop and get into random shenanigans and what have you. During the day, would definitely have to get Mavs tickets and go see The Don and Kyrie. If I’m feeling nostalgic, I’ll hit up Grapevine Mills.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Obviously, my mother and father deserve all of the credit in my life. They were both there for me as a team and helped keep my brother and I out of trouble, educated, and respectable young men. My extended family on both sides have been great as well and definitely helped raise us through the years. You can never overstate the impact of a peaceful and civil family, albeit far from perfect.
Beyond that, I wouldn’t be doing music if it wasn’t for the Odd Future movement. I never thought there was a lane for kids like me to grow an audience in rap, but seeing those guys come together and shift the landscape as a group of real friends being authentic, heavily inspired my creative endeavors.
All of my supporters are beyond appreciated and I am pretty sure I have told them each so individually at some point. I have people who have supported my music since 2012 and still check for me to this day. You can’t put a price on a life long supporter, and ANYONE who listens to your work is an absolute blessing.
Lastly, can’t forget some of my peers who have helped develop my brand from the beginning, namely Jake, Isaiah, and Ben. All three of those guys deserve a ton of credit in helping me create a lane for not only myself, but for my circle as well.
Instagram: @ajoshd_
Other: Get ajoshd tickets: Shop The Hodge Council Clothing: TikTok: @ajoshd_