We had the good fortune of connecting with Austin Roberson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Austin, have you ever found yourself in a spot where you had to decide whether to give up or keep going? How did you make the choice?
I am by far the biggest risk taker in my family. It’s something that I’m proud of. I’m not scared of risk, nor do I not consider the cost of things if it doesn’t go in my favor. I’m willing to lose big in order to win big. I’m no gambler on the slot machines in Vegas, but I am who I am because of the risks I’ve taken in my life.

I moved to a new city after I graduated college with no base up here save for a small handful of friends. I moved to Fort Worth because it’s a beautiful and wonderful city that offered what I was wanting. I had to take it. I had to make that jump that I was scared to make. Scared to leave my friend group and everything that was familiar to me. I chased after what I wanted and it has taken leaps to get here. It’s all been a great journey and not solely on the destination alone.

When I want something, I go get it. I’m tenacious; Even to the point of being obnoxious about it. This is something I’m very aware of. I’m akin to a light switch. I’m all in or out. Once I’ve made my decision on which I am, it’s difficult to change otherwise. I’m not good at idling, which means I’m not good at resting and cooling my engines. I can hit burnout often if I don’t slow things down and give myself time to slow things down.

Now all of that to say, I’m very passionate about the things I love. I’ve gotten my few share of licks for sure, but I knew all along the way they were worth it because of it’s what I wanted to do. Nothing was going to get in my way. I weighed the cost of what I want and what it takes to get there and push forward.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I’m very passionate about what I do and what I set my mind to. I’m quite driven. Men need help and encouragement in regard to how they express themselves through clothing. That’s where I step in. I try to help men understand the language of clothing and how to properly use clothing to their advantage.

Too many people in the fashion industry use clothing to mask themselves and create a character of who they want to be and not truly who they are. I’ve had thousands of interactions with people and have changed their mindset on how they use clothing to express themselves. Also, using my social media @gentlemansavenue to give people physical examples on how to put things together.

Now all of this has taken years to get to where I am. It was never easy, nor would I prefer it to have been easy. I’m a graduate of the school of hard knocks. I learn things the hard way and it’s what drives me to be successful. I knew where I wanted to go, and I wouldn’t let anything get in the way. My parents have even said that as a child, I had a mind like a steel trap. I had a one-track mind and when I want something, I go after it relentlessly.

I’ve made plenty of mistake and taken my lumps. Those scars are lessons I’m proud of. You’ll lose thousands of dollars in mistakes that end up turning into some of your greatest successes. When you love what you do, ,those hard lessons are worth it.

The reason I believe my words should be heeded is because I know I come from a place of genuineness adn passion. I feel that less and less people are being truthful and honestly presenting their true selves to the world through what they’re passionate about and what they’re good at. I’m blessed to have both. I think there’s still a little bit of joy and magic in this world and I want to share that through my different outlets that I have.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Of course the Stockyards are a must, but it all depends on what your mood is.

Here are some different spots you should visit in Fort Worth:
Grace-Go to their bar and order the drink called The Seven
Silver Leaf-Some of the best service around for an elegant even with a great drink menu and great cigars
Race Street Coffee-If you’re an espresso fan, order their single origin
Have dinner at the Wicked Butcher then grab a drink upstairs and enjoy one of the best views in the city
Magnolia street has tons of places that you could spend hours exploring
Visit Chieffalo Americana at their flagship store on Camp Bowie or in The Bowie house for some true Forth Worth Western Clothing

And if you’re in Arlington:
Grab a Corbano from Inclusion Coffee then walk down the street and come see me at The Man’s Shop

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Franklin Moss
Clothier & Influencer

Website: https://www.themansshop.com/

Instagram: @gentlemansavevnue

Linkedin: Austin Roberson

Facebook: Austin Roberson

Youtube: GentlemansAve

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