Doing Well & Doing Good

One of the most rewarding things about getting to know so many entrepreneurs is seeing first-hand how many of them are focused on so much more than just financial results. So many of the folks we connect with are focused on having a positive social impact on their community or the world at large. Check out some of these amazing folks below.
My work as a faith-based hip-hop artist and a public speaker helps youth and young adults to have an encounter with God. Many can relate to the message behind the music. Some have come from the same background and experiences. Others just enjoy great positive music. Even those whose don’t relate directly with my own personal experiences can appreciate that our human experience shares a desire for hope and a longing for God in common. Read more>>
Youth Jazz International helps creating an atmosphere for young individuals to explore all the possibilities one has, when playing an instrument. During rehearsals and concerts, all the kids are given the chance to improvise, which might seem scary at first, but creates a lot of freedom and connection. Connection to each other, connection to the music. It’s challenging to handle a sense of freedom, when you are used to seeing all the notes on paper. How do you handle all the choices to make, what is the first step? The coaches at YJI guide the kids in taking those steps, and therefore teach them how to grow by themselves. We see all the kids taking great initiative in supporting each other, but also by taking lead in roles outside of the rehearsal space. Think about community outreach, promotion, social media, designing logo’s. Our organisation lets music connect people, and on top of that teaches kids all of the other things, which forms a nice and creative environment for everybody. Read more>>
At the North Texas Food Bank, our mission is to close the hunger gap by providing access to nutritious food. New data released from Feeding America in May shows that Texas now leads the nation in hunger, surpassing California, with nearly 5 million people facing hunger. The 13-county area served by the North Texas Food Bank has the fourth-highest food-insecure population in the U.S., with nearly 778,000 people experiencing food insecurity, or 1 in 7. Read more>>