We had the good fortune of connecting with Cody Turner and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Cody, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
The thought process behind starting a business was simply this. I had been working for many different companies from corporate to ministry. I always wanted the freedom of being able to create in an environment that was free and allowed the opportunity to make as much or little as I wanted. I started Stroke of Genius Media with this as the foundation. The ability to create. The ability to use every creative gift I was given and to help others. To be a resource.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I started CTurnerGraphics in late 2005 after a friend gave me some software to try out. I started with it and fell in love with designing and photography. I later started Stroke of Genius Media in January of 2014. I had spent about 5 years designing for churches. I wanted the same quality of graphics that were used in the secular arena to represent ministries but there wasn’t a lot of companies like this. Stroke of Genius Media handles everything from Graphic Design, Photography, Videography and Web Design. We keep in mind that every client won’t be a ministry but we keep ministry/relationships at the foundation of what we do which is to create for others.
One of the lessons that I have learned in business and being a creative is No matter how rude someone may be to you, you must still speak with compassion and character.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I really like to sit and people watch. I often will visit one of my favorite indoor outdoor eateries called the Grind. They’ve got great food!!!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I remember when I first started designing and taking on this creative ability. I had come home from college (TAMUK) I was part of a church that really allowed me to “experiment” through different art forms from dance to music to fashion. The church was a local church. I had no idea that God would use this as the place to propel me forward. My dad has endured many struggles and I’ve watched along the way. Regardless of any circumstance my dad was in he always said “Son I’m proud of you! Keep going!” He’s one reason why I keep pushing forward, not just him but for my family. I’m a husband, father of 5 and a brother. My wife Breanna has truly been my rock through the many changes that come with life. I really feel it’s important that they see what can be done with passion, resilience and Trust in God.
I have a few projects I’m working on. I’ve got a new Art collection that will be available on the website mid June 2021. These are pieces I’ve created in the last month called the “Home Collection.” I also just completed a media campaign production for Angelia Pelham who won Frisco City Council Place 3. I’m excited and looking forward to the journey.
Website: Strokeofgeniusmedia.com
Instagram: Strokeofgeniusmedia
Linkedin: Cody Turner
Facebook: Stroke Of Genius Media Production/ Cody Turner
Youtube: TurnerGangTv